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барышняДата: Понедельник, 19.09.2011, 14:36 | Сообщение # 121
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Улыбнуло :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

In-Depth Analysis of the Latest Gossip Girl Season 5 Promo! We Go All the Way In!

OMG, you guys. There is a lot going on in this new Gossip Girl trailer. Blair’s getting married! Blair might be pregnant! Chuck maybe still loves Blair! Dan is definitely still naive! Don’t worry, none of the details in this action-packed trailer will pass you by. We’ve turned the full force of our CSI (CW Scene Investigators) on this clip, and here’s what they’ve found:

Scene 1: “I’m gonna be a princess very soon,” Queen-B-to-be tells someone on the phone as she lounges on her bed. Not in a dreamy, “my prince has totally come,” way, though. No, B sounds distinctly snippy. Is someone trying to block her path to the throne?

Title card: “Before the fairytale...”

Scene 2: Chuck on a boat. “I know you think I must be dying because Blair’s marrying another man,” he purrs. Well, his ascot doesn’t look nearly as jaunty as usual. And isn’t sailing a little too cliched rich guy behavior for Chuck? Unless that’s a burlesque boat filled with naughty stripper sailors, we fully think Chuck’s in a downward spiral of wholesomeness. Fresh air can’t be good for the Bass constitution.

Scene 3: Blair all bride-ified. The gown: demurely lace-sleeved (like another princess we could mention). The bouquet: pink peonies. The headband: made of diamonds. Blair’s living the dream. Why would she ever give another guy the time of day?

Blair’s a Playa’ Flashback 1: Blair kisses Louis. Oh, right, that’s why: Louis is so boring we just fell asleep in the 1.5 seconds he was on our screen.

Title card: “...Come the obstacles.” Technically, the obstacles come during the fairytale. But we know what they mean.

Scene 5: Dan is in Chuck’s penthouse, in front of... Is that a picture of Lady Gaga dressed up as a fire witch? Was that always there? Anyway. Dan tells Chuck, “You weren’t the last one to kiss her before Louis. I was.” Aww! Dan thinks he’s the only guy Blair snuck around with last year. He’s precious.

Blair’s a Playa’ Flashback 2: Dan and Blair kiss. Dair forever!

More Scene 5: Chuck tells Dan, “The last one she was with was me. I’m referring to full carnal knowledge.” Points awarded for squishing Dan’s naive illusions for the 800th time. Points deducted for using the phrase “carnal knowledge” unironically.

Blair’s a Playa’ Flashback 3: Chuck and Blair’s hook-up. Chair forever!

Blair’s a Playa’ Who May Be In Quite a Bit Of Trouble Flashback 4: Zoom in on the Trash Can of Doom, containing the Positive Pregnancy Test of Uncertain Parentage. Whoa, does this mean Blair’s definitely the pregnant one? And that she’s possibly about to put a Basstard in line for the Monegasque throne? Maybe she can give it to Dan. He likes raising other people’s babies.

Scene 6: Blair pensively combs her hair in front of her mirror and intones, “No one must know.” No, actually, we must! There are a bunch of things we must know! Tell us! Or we could wait until Monday. But that is a long time, man.

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BronzeДата: Четверг, 22.09.2011, 01:59 | Сообщение # 122
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Bad news for Blair Waldorf? Leighton Meester plays out pregnancy scare in Gossip Girl trailer

She was pictured having a frustrating phone call while walking along Madison Avenue and the reason behind Leighton Meester’s expression might be down to a pregnancy scare.
Meester was filming an upcoming episode of Gossip Girl and a new promotional trailer indicates that her character Blair Waldorf is pregnant.
In the trailer a positive pregnancy test is shown next to Blair, while Dan Humphrey [Penn Badgley] and Chuck Bass [Ed Westwick] argue over who was last to be with her intimately.

Strung out: Leighton Messter films scenes for Gossip Girl, in which her character Blair Waldorf looks stressed out

But she tried to take her mind off the scandal by doing what Blair does best – shop.
The 25-year-old was filmed outside the Milly Boutique in Manhattan, New York City, in a bright pink dress and cream blazer.
And the fashionista made sure to accessorise with a matching bow in her hair and tote.
In the upcoming series, Leighton’s character is set to wed Prince Louis of Monaco, but all could go wrong if her pregnancy scare turns out to be confirmed.

Shop till you drop: Meester was filmed on the set outside Milly Boutique on Madison Avenue in New York City

Cute outfit: Meester was dressed in a girly pink dress and cream jacket with a matching handbag

Meanwhile, her co-star and on-screen ex-boyfriend Ed Westwick was also filming yesterday in New York’s Central Park.
Westwick, who plays Chuck, was seen taking a dog for a walk before bumping into two attractive young women.
Earlier in the week Meester was snapped filming the scenes leading up to her big day, including looking at bridesmaids dresses with a gaggle of girls.
It will be the fifth season of the CW network show and as they approach the 100th episode in January, there are still many questions that need to be answered.

Man's best friend: Ed Westwick films scenes in New York's Central Park with his dog on the set of Gossip Girl

Intense conversation? Ed's character Chuck Bass talks intensely to two young women in the park

One of the show’s executive producers, Joshua Safran, recently revealed that they are planning a big party to mark the occasion in January.
He said: ‘We want to honour the [fact] that it’s the 100th episode.
‘We know that we are very lucky to be coming by it, and were going to respect that.
‘So we definitely want to make it feel like it is a special event.’
The new season will premiere in the US on September 26 and is expected to air in the UK the following week.

Hard work: Meester was on her phone during the whole scene, as she shopped at Gucci and other designer boutiques

BronzeДата: Четверг, 22.09.2011, 02:22 | Сообщение # 123
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You Tell Us! Jessica Szohr’s Short New Haircut: Hot or Not?

Now that Jessica Szohr (Vanessa) is officially out of work over at Gossip Girl, the raven-haired actress is moving on to a different phase in her acting career. What’s one way to usher in that phase? With a hot new haircut, of course!

Jess paired the look with a shiny gold Marchesa dress at the premiere of her new movie, I Don't Know How She Does It, on September 12 — and she’s been showing off the trim new ‘do at New York fashion shows all week.

Compare Jess’ sleek look and half-bangs with the longer, more windblown style she displayed at the MTV Movie Awards back on June 5. Could our favorite erstwile Brooklynite be making the switch from free-spirited bohemian to sleek fashionista?
What do you think, Gossip Girl fans? Is J’s short new haircut HOT or NOT?

BronzeДата: Четверг, 22.09.2011, 02:25 | Сообщение # 124
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Schmancy Alert! Leo DiCaprio Gifts Blake Lively $35,000 Bracelet

First a car, now... a bracelet? Seems a little backwards when it comes to the evolution of gift-giving.

We kid! Besides, the latest reported gift Blake Lively received from her BF Leo DiCaprio — a “$35,000 sapphire-and-gold bracelet” for her 24th birthday last month — is nothing to scoff at. The summer months are officially behind us, but this summer romance shows no signs of cooling, much to the chagrin of Leo-lovers everywhere.

Could the next piece of jewelry he gives the Gossip Girl be one that belongs on her finger? A source tells Star (via Hollywood Life) yes, but we’re more likely to believe this famous serial monogamist will go the way of George Clooney. Just don’t expect to see Blake turn to Dancing With the Stars to mend her broken heart.

BronzeДата: Четверг, 22.09.2011, 02:27 | Сообщение # 125
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Gossip Girl Season 5, Episode 1 Teaser: Who Was the Last Man to Be With Blair?

Lest there be any doubt on whether or not Blair and Chuck slept together last season, Chuck pretty much confirms that they did do the deed at that Bar Mitzvah party. Will anyone else find out about it, though? Looks like someone might already know... | Gossip Girl Season 5 Premieres on Monday, September 26, 2011, 8/7c

BronzeДата: Четверг, 22.09.2011, 02:33 | Сообщение # 126
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Prepare Your Closets! Gossip Girl Clothing Line Coming to a High End Retailer Near You

TV shows and clothing. That combo usually yields us ringer tees at, say, Hot Topic with a sparkly Care Bear ironed-on. But no longer!
We hear that Gossip Girl producers have partnered up with Romeo & Juliet Couture to create a clothing line inspired by the likes of none other than our gals S and B. Much to our relief, the line will not include any of Little J’s trash bags edgy looks or Vanessa’s tribal garbage eclectic sensibilities.

The collection is set to debut on the same day as Gossip Girl’s fifth season premiere, September 26, 2011, and can be found at your local Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue. Be sure to save your pennies, though. This is no Eric Daman for Charlotte Russe sort of deal. The prices range from $80 to $200.

Aly-AlyДата: Воскресенье, 25.09.2011, 19:56 | Сообщение # 127
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Объясните мне пожалуйста! Сплетницу начала смотреть недавно! Скоро будет 5 сезон и я бы хотела посмотреть его по ТВ! Скажите пожалуйста по какому каналу можно посмотреть?? И вообще идет ли Сплетница в РФ по телевизору!!! Заострю внимание на том что Сплетницу смотрю недавно!! happy

Always remember, you're nobody until you're talked about...
Pretty_in_pinkДата: Воскресенье, 25.09.2011, 20:08 | Сообщение # 128
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Aly-Aly, знаю, что идет по mtv!
ShenanKДата: Воскресенье, 25.09.2011, 21:17 | Сообщение # 129
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Quote (Aly-Aly)
Скоро будет 5 сезон и я бы хотела посмотреть его по ТВ!

Боюсь что это будет не скоро. У нас вроде дальше второго сезона еще не показывали.

барышняДата: Понедельник, 26.09.2011, 08:58 | Сообщение # 130
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Вот к фан-фикшену про героев Сплетницы я уже привыкла. К стихам про них - еще нет. biggrin

Countdown to Gossip Girl Season 5: One Day Remains!

‘Twas the night before Gossip Girl and all through the Penthouse
Not a Bass was cavorting, not even a louse
The Blahniks were placed in the closet with care
In hopes that Serena soon would be there

Vanessa was nestled so far, far away
While Dan, for his part, was glad she didn’t stay
And Little J with her eyeliner, and Nate with his weed,
They were a dysfunctional lot. Dysfunctional indeed.

When on the Upper East Side there was quite an affair,
B sprang from her chamber to see what was there,
Away to the window she scurried to see
What was happening below — what could possibly be?

The moon on the breast of Central Park’s snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to the minions below.
When what to B’s wondering eyes should appear,
But Prince Louis — and diamonds from DeBeers?!

She harkened Dorota, so lively and quick
And knew in a moment, she was going to be sick
Is she really pregnant? Could this really be?
She screamed and she cried — “No more skinny jeans for me!”

“No Prada! No Posen! No Miu Miu! No Gucci!”
“No Vera, Chanel, McQueen, and no Pucci!”
To Dress Barn, Dorota! To Target, we must go-
For the next 9 months, life is no fashion show.”

She ran down to Louis and shed many a tear
He was perplexed, she was, truth be told, acting quite queer.
Ma chere, q’est-ce qui- se passe? He gave her a hug.
She told him of her burden and then felt a tug.

‘Twas Dorota, ever loyal, reminding our B
Of her upcoming nuptials to the dear Prince Louis.
So that’s why she’s nervous. So that was her plight.
She grabbed Louis’ diamonds and held onto them tight.

You know you love us!
XOXO, Gossip Girl

Пы. Сы. Бедная Би sad biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

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Cyon80Дата: Понедельник, 26.09.2011, 15:21 | Сообщение # 131
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Статус: Offline - Style spoiler: Gossip Girl season 5 fashion

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Cyon80Дата: Вторник, 27.09.2011, 11:25 | Сообщение # 132
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Статус: Offline - 'Gossip Girl' season premiere: [Spoiler!] is expecting. Who do you want the father to be?

Okay, Gossip Girl affectionados. If you missed tonight’s season premiere then read ahead at your own risk because there’s a BIG SPOILER ahead.

Image Credit: Michael Desmond/The CW

Last season’s finale left us with a number of cliffhangers, but few were as buzzworthy as the positive pregnancy test that was left discarded in a wastebasket shared by Blair and Serena. The implication was clear: one of the girls was expecting, and tonight’s premiere wasted no time addressing it. A blast from Gossip Girl (who I’m seriously suspecting is a dumpster diving diva) put out an APB on the mommy-to-be, while both Blair, who was busy prepping for her nuptials to the prince, and Serena, who was working as a production assistant (ha!) on a film set, declined drinks at every opportunity. In case you didn’t know, turning down alcohol is code for “I’m having a secret baby!” in TV land. Alas though, the mystery was short-lived because Dorota of all people stepped up and (all too excitedly) confessed that GG’s text was referring to her. Turns out D’s expecting a second child. So, mystery solved. Or so it seemed. Just minutes before the episode wrapped up, as Blair stood all prim and proper for a photoshoot in her mother-in-law’s white wedding dress, her seamstress asked her just how far along she was. Blair feigned ignorance, but the seamstress made it clear: Measurements don’t lie, and apparently neither does B’s guilty face.

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So, there you have it. Blair Waldorf is with child. Now the question is, who’s the father, or better yet, who do you want it to be? I break down the options (and my opinions) below.

The Prince – Blair’s husband-to-be would probably be ideal first choice as the babby’s daddy, and for that reason alone I’m inclined to think he won’t be. Though, I’m sure that won’t stop Blair from leading him to think he is once her secret is revealed.

Chuck – As Blair’s nuptials near, the dark prince might just be headed toward another downward spiral. Could the possibility of a child in his life finally help him clean up his act? More importantly, can you actually imagine Chuck Bass changing diapers?

Dan — So far, Dan and Blair have only admitted to locking lips, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn a lot more happened during their “friendly” meetups than was revealed at the time. Dan as a dad? Well, he’s certainly the most experienced of the batch.

Nate – I know what you’re thinking. This is the least realistic possibility. But you know what?In a world where Serena van der Woodsen works as a production assistant and enjoys it (I really can’t let this one go), anything is possible.

Okay, now it’s your turn. What do you make of Blair’s pregnancy reveal and who do you think will turn out to be the father?

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Cyon80Дата: Вторник, 27.09.2011, 11:27 | Сообщение # 133
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Статус: Offline - ‘Gossip Girl’ Spoilers: Find Out How Long Serena Will Stay In LA & Whether Blair’s Dropping Out Of College!

What’s going on with Serena and Blair this season on ‘Gossip Girl’? Will they be friends or enemies? We have the scoop!

Tonight’s season premiere of Gossip Girl is almost upon us and we are so excited for you all to see the episode! The premiere, like all other season premieres so far on GG is set outside of NYC for part of it, with Serena, Chuck and Nate in LA. But will Serena stay there for her job? And what about Blair? Now that she’s in the process of marrying Prince Louis will she drop out of school to play princess? Spoilers ahead!

“Gossip Girl is not going to be bicoastal for long,” admitted executive producer Josh Safran at a recent Q&A session. “We return fully to New York very soon.”

It sounds like Serena might not be in Hollywood long term then! If she’s back in Manhattan, how will her friendship with Blair pan out, after being marked by strife last season? Will they be on positive terms as Blair plans her wedding? “They’re always going to be friends,” explained Josh. “They’re definitely friends.” That’s not to say there won’t be typical drama for S and B. “You never know what’s going to happen with them, but they are friends,” said a coy Josh.

Meanwhile, for those of you curious to know whether Blair is dropping out of Columbia to become a princess, rest assured her education is still important, albeit not in the forefront this season. “The people who are in college, are in college, but we are not spending time at the school,” revealed Josh. “Blair is going to class, but it’s really in the background. In our minds, they are still going to school [we're just seeing them] after they’ve left class.”

Phew! At least she’s not letting her possible future crown get to her head! Are you guys excited to see Blair and Serena on good terms? What do you want to happen this season? Put your comments below!

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Cyon80Дата: Вторник, 27.09.2011, 14:32 | Сообщение # 134
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Статус: Offline - Interview with Gossip Girl's Costume Designer Eric Daman
The star stylist-turned-red hot designer is now giving girls—Upper East Siders and otherwise—a leg up on fall fashion with his new collaboration with DKNY.

Gossip Girl's costume designer Eric
Daman has collaborated on an exclusive new line of legwear for DKNY—a match made in Upper East Side heaven, available at the mere click of a ( mouse. We chatted with the super-stylist to get the down-low on his rise to the top, Constance Billard inspirations, and favorite bad-boy dandy.

Teen Vogue: How did you get started working in fashion and how did you path eventually lead you to Gossip Girl?
Eric Daman: I'll try to give you the Reader's Digest version of that! I went to college in Paris at the Sorbonne for French literature, and worked at a boutique there to fund my schooling. I was randomly scouted by Steven Meisel, and a week later, I was shooting Calvin Klein campaigns and hanging out with Kate Moss, modeling. A lot of photographers, like Steven Meisel and Mario Testino, were all very encouraging for me to go into styling, and being a kid from the Midwest, I didn't even really know what a stylist was, or if that was a possible career choice. I took their word and started doing styling for Visionaire, The Face, and i-D. I knew Patricia Field from the store I was working at, and I ran into her one day on the street. She had just finished season one of Sex and the City and was looking for a new assistant. Sarah Jessica Parker wanted somebody that had editorial background, and I ended up interviewing with Pat and Sarah Jessica and did three seasons on Sex and the City with them. We won an Emmy for season three of it, and then I ended up deciding to go my own way. I worked on a movie with a producer from Gossip Girl, and she called me and thought it would be great to do Gossip Girl. I interviewed with Stephanie Savage, the creator and producer, and and here I am.

TV: Do you have a favorite character to dress?
ED: I get asked this question a lot, and I feel like I'm a parent who would have to pick his favorite child! If I have to really pick, I think I would have to say Chuck Bass. The revolution of men's clothing via Chuck Bass and his dandyism is really exciting, because you can't beat a man in a great suit and nice pocket square. Between Chuck Bass and Mad Men, men went from wearing casual jeans to wearing really great suits. It's a nice progression and I'm happy to be a part of it.

TV: What has been the biggest surprise to costume designing for the show?
ED: I think the biggest surprise is that it has become such a phenomenon, and just out of nowhere. I remember at the beginning when season one was airing, people were just like, talking about it, designers would lend us stuff, it was hard to be able to get what we needed to make the show what it is on the budget we have. And now it's like designers are calling up and giving us a whole showroom of Prada bags and Miu Miu bags. It's like we have a Vogue closet, because we have things that are coming in off the runway!

TV: Are there any memorable moments between you and the cast?
ED: When we had Rachel Zoe on this last season, she had to be dumped in a chocolate fountain. We needed multiple dresses, because dressing those who dress is slightly stressful, and you can imagine trying to pull in the best of the best for Rachel Zoe, three or four of them, and then knowing that beautiful Pucci dress, that there are only three that exist in the world... and that it's going to be dumped in chocolate sauce.

TV: Speaking of designers, what was the inspiration for the DKNY hosiery that you created?
ED: I wanted to stay true to the DKNY brand but also bring in my inspiration and enjoyment of textures. I've been living in New York for fifteen years, and I love it- everything from the architecture to the art to the people in the street and the kids on the Lower East Side. Everywhere you look in the city, there's always something that's very inspiring to me.

TV: And so why did you want to participate in the collaboration?
ED: It's an honor to be tapped on the shoulder by such an iconic brand and to be a part of this. I grew up when Donna Karan first started out in the '80s, and to be a part of that and participate in some way felt like such a huge honor. I'm very into legwear and tights, and I think it's a big part of—especially in New York—in the winter, we're all about the tights and the coats, and I think it's one of those defining pieces. It's like a great bag or something that helps define personal style, and it can definitely add flair or detract depending on how it's worn.

TV: You've also teamed up with Charlotte Russe. Why is it important for you to reach out to the high street consumer?
ED: The girls who are really the fans are the ones across America in the Midwest, and they don't have access to Balenciaga and to Wolford, and they don't have the finances or the means to be able to procure that. I didn't want anyone to watch the show and feel left out, so for me to be able to create something that is of a mass availability, that still has my stamp of approval, and make girls feel like they're part of this world without having to spend $5000 is really important. You don't have to be Serena Van Der Woodsen. I'm just a kid from Michigan, so I understand growing up and not having access to those things.

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Cyon80Дата: Вторник, 27.09.2011, 14:45 | Сообщение # 135
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Статус: Offline - ‘Gossip Girl’ Stylist Eric Daman Says He Likes Dressing Ed Westwick Better Than Blake Lively!

While the girls may have gorgeous frocks, Eric has most fun dressing one of the guys! Are you surprised?

We can’t wait for Gossip Girl to come back tonight — mainly because we miss lusting after the gorgeous get-ups on Serena and Blair! While I think they easily have the best looks on the show, it turns out an insider doesn’t agree! Eric Daman, costume designer on set, said he loves dressing the guys — especially Ed Westwick’s character Chuck Bass!

Eric chatted with Teen Vogue recently and highlighted his favorite characters to dress. To everyone’s surprise, the stylist/designer said ‘It Girl’ Blake Lively wasn’t his favorite person to dress– Ii’s Ed Westwick’s character Chuck Bass!

“The revolution of men’s clothing via Chuck Bass and his dandyism is really exciting, because you can’t beat a man in a great suit and nice pocket square,” he said.

We definitely agree! There’s nothing like a hot guy in a suit with a pocket square!

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