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Cyon80Дата: Вторник, 27.09.2011, 14:46 | Сообщение # 136
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Статус: Offline - Spoilers for the New Season of Gossip Girl! - Gossip Girl Season Premiere Review: Six Weeks Later

The question heading into Season Five of Gossip Girl is whether the show will return to what made it great - humor, heart and a healthy dose of scandal - or continue on the path last season went down, with convoluted, over-the-top stories and, worse yet, our beloved characters not even acting like themselves.

So, did tonight offer fans reason for hope? Yes is most definitely the word.

Between the pregnancy reveal - so surprising I really didn't think Gossip Girl of all shows would go there - the tie-in with Daniel's novel, Nate's latest liaison and Chuck channeling his inner James Dean, "Yes, Then Zero" was a resounding success. We can only hope future episodes build on this and don't fizzle out.

When we first saw Mr. Bass tonight, adored in his ascot and roaring up to his newly-obtained yacht on his motorcycle, his change in attitude was apparent (even as his taste for the finer things remains the same).

Part cowboy philosopher, part rebel without a cause (unless you can consider going balls to the wall and saying yes to anything a cause), he's happy for the first time in awhile. Or at least doing a good job faking it.

But, as always with Chuck, there's a darkness lurking within. Witness his reaction to the crash, and his apparent unwillingness to seek help or dial back his adrenaline meter even after sustaining a pretty severe injury.

At some point, he's bound to take it too far, but it's fun to see him leap off buildings and some knowledge on Nate and Serena right now. Just seeing those three hang out and enjoy laughs as friends again was a welcome treat.

Chuck's two-headed sidekick was a bit boring at times, but that was almost the point. Both Nate and Serena seemed to acknowledge that they'd lost their way and don't even know who they are anymore (I blame the writers).

While Marshall's ploy to get Serena fired felt lame, considering she was kind of a model employee almost trying too hard not to step on toes, it's great that S was rewarded in the end for applying herself and doing legit work.

L.A. fashion clearly works on SoCal native Blake Lively, too. Not surprising.

On a side note, how funny was it to see Patrick Roberts, Olivia's old vampire co-star, in his Hollywood element? This little creative touch wasn't essential to the plot, but was surely appreciated by many fans.

Of course, this is still Gossip Girl and in the closing moments, Serena happened to bump into non-cousin Charlie in a city of 20 million people. Ivy apparently headed west with her boyfriend after her "acting" gig last spring.

What's she planning next? Does anyone care? The jury's still out now. We'll see what Charlie/Ivy has planned next week, and whether it will connect Serena's story arc with the rest of the gang back in New York.

If you've read any Gossip Girl spoilers this summer, you know Elizabeth Hurley's character, Diana Payne, is a media mogul whose manipulations of Nate, whatever they might be, ultimately involve Gossip Girl herself.

Once Nate started taking Chuck's advice and becoming the ultimate "yes" man, another notch on his bedpost was an inevitability. Only he was also being played by Diana, who was excited to have "made contact" with him.

Much as we all enjoy his usual displays of concern for Chuck, pot expertise and skill with the ladies, hopefully Nate will play a more substantive role this fall. Clearly he's being targeted for some role by Ms. Payne.

Hurley makes a sexy and intriguing villain for the Upper East Siders, and I'm dying to know what she's up to. There's something about her that makes the stakes feel heightened ... 10 times more so than with Russell Thorpe.

Back in New York, the dueling drama of Dan's story and Blair's wedding planning - with Louis caught in the middle of each - dovetailed brilliantly, revealing just enough at all the right moments to pique your interest.

It also ended with perhaps the biggest OMFG moment since we learned Serena killed someone.

However unrealistic the circumstances of its publication, Inside by Anonymous, a.k.a. Dillon Hunter, is apparently some book! The excerpt that was to run in Vanity Fair made it abundantly clear who the focal point was, too.

The future Princess of Monaco, Blair Waldorf, spent so much time fretting over typical Blair Waldorf things that by the time the wedding planner called her out - and she didn't deny it - her pregnancy secret was truly shocking.

Dorota did a great job fooling Eleanor and likely more than a few viewers, too, in covering for her BFF. But her body does not lie. I guess. Leighton Meester actually looks thinner than ever to me. But give it a few weeks!

Dan's behavior this week was truly eye-opening. His mannerisms and cryptic comments certainly made it out to seem like he and Blair did more than kiss. Like a lot more. More importantly, he's obviously IN LOVE WITH HER.

Even though he knew precisely what Louis was doing when he stood Blair up and why, Dan was prepared to let her skip town, with him, and leave her fairy tale behind. That's one whopper of a lie by omission, Lonely Boy.

You don't do that for someone you're not head over heels for. Dair is very much alive ... at least as far as the feelings on one side are concerned, and possibly an unborn child is concerned. Can you imagine if it's Dan's?

Penn Badgley is certainly looking the part of the unkempt writer, yearning for his past lover. I'm glad the writers didn't torpedo Dan's feelings for Blair altogether, which would've made so much of last season feel trite.

What happens between now and November 26 - save the date!! - will be interesting to say the least. Will Blair keep the baby? If so, will she start to show? Will Dan pursue her in earnest? Will Chuck, despite his motivational speech?

And obviously, the ten trillion dollar question: Who's the father?!

All in all, a strong beginning to Gossip Girl's fifth season, and one that should give you plenty to discuss with TV Fanatic as you hit the comments below! Come back tomorrow for news, promos and our Round Table!

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому

Сообщение отредактировал Cyon80 - Вторник, 27.09.2011, 14:57
Cyon80Дата: Вторник, 27.09.2011, 15:12 | Сообщение # 137
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‘Gossip Girl’ Season Premiere Recap: We Know Which GIRLS Are Pregnant, Plus 4 More ‘OMG’ Moments! - - Gossip Girls and Fashion Icons - Gossip Girl Redux: [Spoiler] Is Pregnant...Now What?!

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
Cyon80Дата: Вторник, 27.09.2011, 15:14 | Сообщение # 138
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'Gossip Girl' Premiere: What the Viewers Are Saying
A surprise pregnancy is revealed in the The CW’s Season 5 premiere.

Spotted: Manhattan’s elite back on television. Only most of them aren’t anywhere near Manhattan.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

The premiere of Season 5 of The CW’s Gossip Girl on Monday night left viewers surprised at some of the twists and turns in the show. Serena (Blake Lively), Nate (Chace Crawford) and Chuck (Ed Westwick) are in Los Angeles where Serena is working on a movie. Chuck and Nate are on a boat. Elizabeth Hurley stops by to hit on Nate. And there’s a party, natch.

VIDEO: 'Gossip Girl' Premiere: 5 Things to Know About the Episode

Back on the Upper East Side, Blair (Leighton Meester) is planning her wedding to the prince. But the biggest surprise of the episode ends up being that Dorota (Zuzanna Szadkowski) and Blair are pregnant. The father of Blair’s child is not revealed...yet.

Viewers had plenty to say about the premiere episode on Twitter:

Whitney Belcher:
"Was that seriously supposed to be a "shock," Gossip Girl writers? It was so obvious that I freaking called it in May. Come on now."

PHOTO: 'Gossip Girl'-Inspired Fashion Line Launched

Nicole Appleyard:
"Watched Gossip Girl, very happy that Blair is pregnant (so long as Chuck is the dad) Overall a fun ep!!!"

d i l n e s h a:
"What a disappointment Gossip Girl was....Why is Blair pregnant?"

"Lies, deception and Chuck Back (not in that order), are all the good things Gossip Girl is made of."

PHOTOS: PTC vs. TV: 10 Television Show Controversies

Glamtasm Glamtasm
"Oh, how much I missed & enjoy Gossip Girl! So thrilled it's back! Chuck Bass is like a very fashionable, slightly twisted guru! LOVE!!"

Fara Ferne
"Gossip Girl in LA. My two favorite worlds combine."

PHOTOS: Fall TV's 12 Most Anticipated Shows

Heather Clawson:
"Did the Gossip Girl writers not hear us when we all said we didn't like Dan and Blair together?!"

Tara Seddon:
"gossip girl was brilliant!"

Samantha Abbott:
"Watched the first episode of season 5 of gossip girl it's so good, can't wait for episode 2"

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
BronzeДата: Среда, 28.09.2011, 06:31 | Сообщение # 139
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Meow! TV's Top 12 Meanest Mean Girls

Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl's "Queen B," played by the lovely Leighton Meester, is equal parts confident and conniving. You'll catch her barking at her minions or berating her housekeeper Dorota. In GG's fifth season, the diva-in-waiting is about to become a princess, making her reign official.

BronzeДата: Среда, 28.09.2011, 06:35 | Сообщение # 140
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Exclusive! What You Need to Know About the New Gossip Girl Collection

With the Gossip Girl Collection by Romeo & Juliet Couture hitting stores across the country this fall, it looks like the CW will have a retail hit to go along with GG’s killer ratings when it returns for Season 5 on Monday, September 26. Wetpaint Entertainment stopped by the launch for the fashion line at Gunbar in NYC on September 19, where we spoke to Romeo & Juliet CEO David Shamouelian exclusively about the hot new line.

Wetpaint Entertainment: How did this come about?
David Shamouelian:
We thought that based on the Romeo & Juliet Couture collection and what Gossip Girl stands for it was a great synergy because that’s what we’re all about. We introduce over 100 new designs every month, in every single category and we thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to join forces with them and capture the audience.

Of all the girls on Gossip Girl, who was the biggest inspiration for the collection?
Of course Serena [Blake Lively] is the icon as far as being on top of the latest fashions and colors and putting great stuff together. Everybody wants to look like her. The only question is that not everybody can afford designer clothes, so what we can offer is to give the great quality and great design with a price that the people can afford. It’s contemporary prices, which is anywhere from $80 to $200, versus the items that they wear [on the show], which are anywhere between $800 to $3000. So it’s a huge difference.

What will make this collection really stand out?
We are doing a lot of glam as far as embellishment and special treatments, the over-sized look. Anything that has been the latest trend out there has been a great capture. Fringe has been amazing, crochet, great sweaters, great leather jackets. Basically the latest trends for fall.

What are you doing with color?
Basically there are two different palates. What we have is neutral, which is going to be the start of the season from November/December deliveries, and in January we’re going to start doing real bright colors. I believe in Europe they started showing the bright colors this year, but it’s very difficult to wear a lot of bright color during the fall season. But for spring/summer I’m really excited because the prints look great, the colors will look amazing. The color blocking is a great trend to go for. So there’s a lot of things you can do that you couldn’t do the previous season.

How do you think it will sell?
I think it’s going to do fantastic. Our collection has been one of the best-selling items in all the major stores that we’ve been shipping to, so I would think this would even do better than that because it has a lot of twists of glam. And of course with the collaboration with Gossip Girl, I think it’s gonna be a hit series as well!

BronzeДата: Среда, 28.09.2011, 06:40 | Сообщение # 141
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Gossip Girl Premieres Next Week. 5 Reasons Why We're Chewing Our Headbands in Suspense

It’s T-minus five days till Season 5 of Gossip Girl blasts off, and we can’t wait. Here’s a few of the reasons we’re counting the hours till the season premiere.

Because the world sucks. Look around. 2011’s not exactly our finest hour. Everyone’s poor, out of shape and wearing maxi skirts. So sue us, but we want rich people. Rich, thin, pretty people with shiny clothes and cavernous apartments.

Because we’ve gotta get it while it lasts. We hate to break it to you, but Gossip Girl won’t be around forever. How long do you really think it’ll be before Blake or Leighton flits off to live the dream of starring in romantic comedies Kristen Bell passed on? We intend to enjoy the still-largely-intact cast while we can.

Because there’s intrigue. Who’s pregnant? Who’s the father? Will Chuck win Blair back? Will Dan? Will Serena offhandedly ruin a guy’s life? (Yes.) So many questions! We’ve been chewing our headbands in suspense for three months. We demand answers, and we demand them now! Or on September 26th at the latest.

Because there’s new blood. Vanessa’s out. Charlie/Ivy’s in. How will Serena’s devious little fake cousin shake up the show’s existing power structure and relationships? She hasn’t slept with Chuck, Nate, or Dan! She’s practically a virgin. Although probably not for long. Sex is pretty much how Nate and Chuck say hello.

Because we’ve missed it so. No one else on television seems to understand our needs for retro lingerie, drinks being thrown in people’s faces, fancy exclusive parties in theoretically public institutions, Dan pining, Chuck smouldering, Serena whoring, Blair scheming, and Eric being like “I hate all you people.” But Gossip Girl. Oh, Gossip Girl understands.

BronzeДата: Среда, 28.09.2011, 06:56 | Сообщение # 142
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Stars in Cars! 9 Celebrity Rides

Blake Lively Films Scenes for Savages on July 27, 2011
Gossip Girl’s Blake Lively (Serena) has got to have the best job ever — and let’s not forget that A-list boyfriend! B doesn’t own the cute tomato red Mini Cooper she’s been seen driving around the set of her new movie, Savages, but she does have a ride — a shiny new one, in fact. Boytoy Leo DiCaprio just bought her a $40,000 black Prius. We think Blake’s more of a Mercedes sedan type of girl, but we love that Leo gifted her a eco-friendly hybrid.

There’s almost no one sexier than Gossip Girl’s British babe, Ed Westwick (Chuck). That is, until you place him next to a red hot sportscar, that is. Alright, alright! He doesn’t own the car, but you can’t argue that the whole setup is hot nonetheless. Talk about getting your motor running. Va-va-vroom!

BronzeДата: Среда, 28.09.2011, 07:18 | Сообщение # 143
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In honour of the 5th season of the teen sensation TV series Gossip Girl, we thought we’d pay homage Leighton Meester, alias Blair Waldorf, and her innate sense of style, both on and off set.
Meester’s beginnings are far removed from the privileged upbringing of her on screen character. She was born in Fort Worth, Texas, while her mother was serving time in a federal prison for her involvement in a drug ring. Despite the rocky and unconventional start, once her family moved to New York City, Meester’s career and her relationship with the fashion world started to take off.

Meester attended the Professional Children’s School and also began working as a model, appearing in a campaign for Ralph Lauren shot by fashion photographer par excellànce Bruce Weber and with then photographer Sofia Coppola. At 14, after sealing many successes in New York, Meester moved to LA to follow her starry path in Hollywood.

Following her television debut in 1999, Meester appeared as a guest in many series, including CSI Miami, House MD, as well as some bigger movie roles. In 2007, came her big breakthrough when she was cast as Blair Waldorf in Gossip Girl. The show is based on the book series by Cecily von Ziegesar about the lives of New York’s' privileged Upper East Side young adults. Her performance is the most critically acclaimed of the show, with Blair being cited as the series' breakout character, and also gathering much media recognition due to her wardrobe.

Leighton Meester in Dolce&Gabbana FW11

Meester’s character in Gosspi Girl is an overachieving, ambitious Park Avenue IT girl. Blair’s wardrobe is said to inspired by style icons such as Audrey Hepburn and Anna Wintour. Meester’s on screen wardrobe often comprises of collegiate-chic ensembles of skirts and shirts, bon ton dresses or extremely glamorous evening wear. Blair’s luscious brown locks are often tamed with headbands, and her on screen character is credited with the resurgence of the headband in popular fashion.

Meester’s style when impersonating Blair has also helped the actress gain legitimacy within the fashion world, and now her own outfits being scrutinized and reported upon as much as Blair’s. In addition, off screed, Meester has collaborated with a wide variety of internationally renowned fashion houses. From Missoni to Bulgari through to Reebok and Herbal Essences Shampoo, Meester is a regular in fashion spreads.

A picture of Leighton Meester in D&G SS11 uploaded on her Twitter.

Gossip Girl is such a fashion phenomenon that American fashion label, Romeo&Juliet Couture has partnered with Warner Bros and has launched a Gossip Girl fashion collection on September 26th, to coincide with the airing of season 5. The collection sells clothing, at affordable prices, inspired by the outfits worn by Blair Waldorf and Serena van der Woodsen on the show.

Series 5 sees Blair trying to organise sumptuous royal nuptials following her engagement to Prince Louis Grimaldi. We’ll be intently following her struggles and reliving through Gossip Girl the excitement of recent real-life royal fairy tales.

барышняДата: Среда, 28.09.2011, 20:13 | Сообщение # 144
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Перевод статьи с Оригинал лежит здесь

Секретные ссылки из премьерной серии пятого сезона Gossip Girl

Много вымышленных событий Gossip Girl на самом деле проходят в реальных местах и представляют реальных звезд. Имена появляются так быстро, что трудно уследить! Но не волнуйтесь, мы Вам поможем. Вот «что, чей и где» вы должны знать из премьеры пятого сезона.

Малхолланд Драйв

Помимо того, что она является предметом песни и удивительного фильм Дэвида Линча, Малхолланд Драйв в Лос-Анджелесе - действительно сумасшедше опасное место. Это закрученная извилистая горная дорога, с которой открывается великолепный вид на весь Лос-Анджелес - вроде как, скажем, девушка, которая очаровательна и красива, но ооочень неподходящая для вас. Нет ничего удивительного в том, что Чак клюнул – слишком трудно устоять.

Дженни и Джонни

Кто эта счастливая парочка хиппи, которая болтала с Сереной о музыке? Всего лишь двое настоящих музыкантов, которые заскочили в мир Gossip Girl. Инди-поп дуэт Дженни и Джонни состоит из Дженни Льюис и ее бойфренда Джонатана Райса. Их дебютный альбом, I’m Having Fun Now, вышел летом прошлого года.

Энди Коэн

"Я все время говорю Энди Коэну, что он должен сделать «Отчаяные домашние аресты в Нью-Йорке», Руфус говорит Дэну. Так как Энди Коэн, о котором идет речь, является шефом франшизы взрывных «Отчаяные Домохозяек», мы думаем, это могло бы стать хорошим дополнением к его растущей империи. Мы будем следить!

Аллегра Версаче

Такой знаток свободной любви, как Чак, он человек, который действует по определенному стандарту. На самом деле, по нескольким стандартам: 1. Статные близняшки, которые, по-видимому спокойно относятся к инцесту, и 2. Наследницы, модных империй. И можно понять, почему он был заинтересован не только в яхте Аллегры Версаче, но в "выигрыше" ее самой. Аллегра - дочь Донателлы Версаче и племянница убитого дизайнера Джанни Версаче, который оставил ей 50% акций компании Versace.

Добавлю и кое-что от себя :))))))))))

Центральный Колледж искусства и дизайна имени Святого Мартина

Дэн Руфусу: Я думал ты все еще в Лондоне, помогаешь ей обустроиться в Коледже Святого Мартина

Не удивительно, что Дженни выбрала именно его для поступления. В кругах молодежи, мечтающей стать великими дизайнерами, это название произносят с придыханием. Расположенный в центре Лондона, основаный в 1854 году это один из старейших англоязычных университетов по дизайну в мире, а также наиболее пристижный среди них. Central Saint Мартинс включает пять школ:
- Школа искусств
- Школа моды и текстиля
- Школа графического дизайна и промышленного дизайна
- Драматический Центр Лондона
- Школа искусств Шоу Бйама
Список знаменитых людей, окончивших его поражает воображение - Стелла Маккартни , Александр Маккуин, Джон Гальяно, Зак Посен, Пирс Броснан, Колин Ферт, Пи Джей Харви, Ричард Лонг, Брэнда Уолш из Беверли Хиллз 90210 (шучу:)) и многие, многие другие.

Сара Бартон (Sarah Burton)

Руфус Дэну: ...они выгнали меня, когда поняли, что я не знал кто такая Сара Бартон.

Не уверенна, что Руфус не знал кто такая Сара Бартон, вероятно ему просто надоело сидеть в Лондоне, ведь это имя было трудно не услышать в последнее время. Сара Бартон – ведущий дизайнер и директор модного дома Alexander McQueen, создательница подвенечного платья Кэйт Миддлтон.
Британка до кончиков пальцев Сара Бартон родилась и выросла в Манчестере (Manchester). С 1996 года она, на тот момент еще студентка Центрального колледжа Святого Мартина (дизайн и искусство), начала своё сотрудничество с Александром МакКвином, С 2000 года она стала возглавлять отдел именно женской одежды, а после трагического самоубийства МакКвина единодушным решением всех членов правления возглавила эту марку.

Терренс Малик (Terrence Malick)

Элеонор Софии: «Наши гости будут ждать дольше, чем ждут фильм Теренса Малика»

Терренс Малик – уникальная, живая легенда. Режиссер, который за четере десятилетия снял всего лишь пять полнометражных фильма (за последнее свое творение «Древо жизни» с Брэдом Питтом и Шоном Пенном в 2011 году получил Золотую пальмовую ветвь Каннского кинофестиваля. Он практически не дает интервью и не появляется на публике.
После двух его фильмов директор Gulf & Western (компания, владевшая Paramount Pictures) Чарльз Блудорн предложил Малику миллион долларов за то, чтобы следующий фильм он снял на Paramount. И, он .... отказался, уехал в Париж к подруге и следующие годы вёл жизнь затворника, не снимал кино и не общался с журналистами, приобретя репутацию «Сэлинджера от кино». В 2005 году вышел его фильм «Новый Свет», посвящённый истории Джона Смита и Покахонтас. Фильм породил очень разные отзывы, его называли затянутым и бессодержательным, однако по итогам десятилетия он вошёл во многие списки лучших фильмов.

Artists & Writers softball (* игра, в которой принимает участие Дэн)

В 1968 году, группа художников и писателей в Хэмптонс бросили вызов друг другу для игры в софтбол, чтобы собрать деньги для покрытия судебных издержек двух художников, которые протестовали против войны во Вьетнаме. С тех пор это мероприятие проводится каждый год в летний период.
В прошлом игроками были Алек Болдуин, Кристи Бринкли, Лори Сингер, Донни Дойч, Джей Макинерни, Дастин Хоффман, Курт Воннегут, Джордж Плимптон, Джон Ирвинг.
В этом году игра прошла 20-го августа.

Плесень размножается спорами...Не спорьте с плесенью :)))))

Сообщение отредактировал барышня - Четверг, 29.09.2011, 07:43
BronzeДата: Среда, 28.09.2011, 23:52 | Сообщение # 145
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'Gossip Girl' star Chace Crawford cleared of drug charge

The Gossip Girl actor was arrested in Plano, TX in June 2010 when police found 2oz of marijuana during a body search.

Crawford cut a plea deal with the authorities, where he agreed to meet with a probation officer once a month and perform community service.

A Texas judge erased the drug arrest from Crawford's record on Tuesday upon the actor's completion of 80 hours of community service.

Crawford worked in a church and helped out a local hospital in order to fulfil his commitment.

The star could have faced up to six months in jail if convicted of misdemeanour marijuana possession.

Crawford has signed on to co-star with Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez in the upcoming film What to Expect When You're Expecting, which is to open on May 11, 2012.

BronzeДата: Четверг, 29.09.2011, 05:32 | Сообщение # 146
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Gossip Girl Fashion! What to Expect in Season 5

Gossip Girl is back for Season 5, and you know what that means: More stylish gowns, more elegant baubles, and piles upon piles of gorgeous designer goods! Want a sneak peek at what’s in store? Take a look!

BronzeДата: Четверг, 29.09.2011, 05:38 | Сообщение # 147
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Double Take! Wetpaint Entertainment Stars’ Celebrity Look-Alikes

Twin stars are a dime a dozen in Tinsel Town these days. You would think with all the doppelgangers out there, there would be room left for some normal-looking people... like us! Alas, the Hollywood powers that be are after a certain “type” — at least they’re consistent! From TVD’s Ian Somerhalder (Damon) and Rob Lowe to Bones’ David Boreanaz (Booth) and Jersey Shore’s Ronnie Magro, don’t miss the Wetpaint Entertainment stars who have us seeing double!

BronzeДата: Четверг, 29.09.2011, 05:40 | Сообщение # 148
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Gossip Girl Sneak Peek! Blair Vents About Her Royal Pains in Season 5, Episode 1: "Yes, Then Zero"

Leave it to Blair to find something wrong with gracing the cover of French Vogue. Just how bad could her soon-to-be mother-in-law's dress be? And are we the only ones blown away by the fact that Serena is actually...working?!?

BronzeДата: Четверг, 29.09.2011, 05:57 | Сообщение # 149
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Gossip Girl Recap of Season 5, Episode 1: "Yes, Then Zero" — It’s Back!

It’s back! It’s back! Swimming pools, movie stars, royalty, baseball. As usual, the Gossip Girl cast has scattered to the four winds for the summer, alighting everywhere that massively rich people can have fun. But if there’s one thing that can bring the gang back together, it’s a big fancy party. Or, in this case, the promise of one: Blair’s save-the-date cards arrive for one and all. In Fed Ex envelopes, for some reason. Apparently vellum’s out and cardboard’s in for royal weddings.
Chuck and Nate’s invites arrive on the yacht they’re sharing in L.A. Nate promptly hides Chuck’s invite to spare his tender feelings, but Chuckles doesn’t seem to be hurting: He’s taken L.A’s easygoing vibe to heart and he’s saying “yes” to everything life throws at him. He encourages Serena, who’s working on the Beautiful and the Damned set as a production assistant, to do the same - advice she needs to hear, because girl has fallen far and fast. Apparently no one in L.A. reads Page Six (or Gossip Girl, for that matter), and Serena has gone from society darling to coffee-fetching peon faster than you can say “Mulholland”. Her brush with insignificance is mostly courtesy of her new boss, Marshall, a handsome but diabolical schemer who wants to keep S on the bottom rung of the professional ladder.
Dan receives his invite while playing baseball in the Hamptons, which on this show counts as a humble summer getaway. He’s chagrined that his massive crush on Blair is never to be consummated, but he’s got bigger things to worry about — Vanity Fair has a chapter from his book and they’re running it. Oh, and it’s about Blair. And Dan. The previous spring. Not exactly what a princess-to-be wants to find in her beach reading.
Serena, emboldened by Chuck’s apparent new zest for life, decides to go over Marshall’s head and suck up to the big boss, Jane. Jane, for some reason, allows this, and gives Serena Marshall’s job for the day. A full day’s work is such a novelty for Serena that she attacks the to-do list with zeal, including picking up some “medicinal” marijuana for the movie’s star. “I wonder what his medical condition is,” she ponders, proving that Marshall is right and she is way, way too naive to be allowed within ten feet of anything resembling responsibility.
After jumping off the roof of a building (how does that fit into his new philosophy? Did someone ask him, “Would you like to jump off this building, Chuck?”), C lands a date with a comely stuntwoman, and they zoom off on their motorcycles. Quick side note: Chuck + motorcycle = the most adorable helmet hair you’ve ever seen. But all is not well in Chuckville! For he has found Blair’s save-the-date, and it burns inside him! It burns! So he drive his motorcycle way too fast. He crashes it, but the worst thing that happens is that the stunt lady dumps him — and he gets a nasty case of road rash, which we think is a metaphor for his inner pain. Also, it looks grody.
And what of Princess Waldorf? Would you believe she’s a bit of a bridezilla? She and Louis’ mother are fighting like cats and dogs over every aspect of the wedding. Peonies are vetoed in favor of carnations, because apparently this is a wedding/junior prom, and worst of all, the Princess insists that Blair wear her wedding gown, as it’s a family tradition. Know what else is a family tradition? Eleanor Waldorf cutting a b*tch who gets between her and a chance to show off her designs.
Blair insists that Louis stand up to his mom for her, which he refuses to do, but he distracts Blair with an invitation to a fancy exclusive party. Wow, maybe they are meant to be. He sure gets her. But disaster strikes when Dan enlists Louis’ help to kill the Vanity Fair story, and Louis has to miss the party. Blair flips out and flees for the hinterlands, i.e. Dan’s loft. She demands that he take her out of town, which he agrees to immediately, with an adorably lovelorn pout. If those two don’t make out soon we will be very upset. However! Louis was lurking behind the Frosted Glass Door For Lurking, and he pops out, prompting Dan to confess that it’s his fault Louis missed the party. Blair flounces out, never once considering that when someone acts like that much of a jerk on Gossip Girl, it’s almost always because they’re in love.
At the LA party, Serena’s in big trouble — the movie star wasn’t supposed to have pot. Marshall strikes again. He convinces S not to sell him out, pointing out that he actually needs his job to live, while hers is more or less summer camp. She takes the rap and prepares to get fired, but her boss Jane apparently loves screwups in maxi skirts and decides to give S a shot at a full time job. Looks like Serena’s a California girl now.
Nate spends the party pretending to be “that guy from that movie,” and having a fling with a gorgeous older woman. We love how Nate’s putty in the paws of a cougar. This one apparently has hidden claws — she’s last seen on the phone with an unknown co-conspirator, plotting to once more “accidentally” run into Nate in NYC. Poor Nate is going to get a complex if people keep sleeping with him for schemes.
Oh, and wasn’t there one more loose end dangling from last year’s season finale? Well, wonder no more: It’s Blair who’s pregnant, and judging from her terrified look, she’s got no idea who the daddy is. Get ready for a super swanky version of Juno.
Speaking of loose ends, guess who Serena runs into in LA? Good old fake cousin Charlie, who’s now going by Ivy and working in a restaurant with her cutie boyfriend. When S shows up, though, she ditches the job without a backward glance. Will she worm her way back into the Van Der Woodsen fold? Time will tell...

BronzeДата: Четверг, 29.09.2011, 06:00 | Сообщение # 150
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Sneak Peek! Gossip Girl Season 5, Episode 2: "Beauty and the Feast"
