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Что пишут? (часть 2)
BronzeДата: Суббота, 01.10.2011, 00:04 | Сообщение # 166
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барышня, Да развеселило особенно про Луи понравилось:
Quote (барышня)
Луи наверно действительно сошел с ума в этом серо-синем спортивном пиджаке. И я должна заметить, как это хорошо, что Чак на другом берегу в данный момент, так как один шейный платок Чака заставил бы папиного-покроя джинсы Луи сгорать со стыда.

Quote (барышня)
Действительно, Луи! Вы же в конце-концов принц. Купите же смокинг, который бы вам подходил. Бедный пиджак коротковат и перекручен. Это просто жестоко. И погладьте штаны. Забудьте о том, что вы принц - вы помолвлены с Блэр Уолдорф. Это само по себе является достаточной причиной, чтобы погладить штаны и нанять компетентного портного.

Номер 2. Вот что понравилось:

Quote (барышня)
Кроме того, два огромных ожерелья, эС? Просто потому, что Ванесса оставила вам свою шкатулочку с украшениями, когда сбежала в Барселону, не означает, что вы обязаны их носить.

Quote (барышня)
и я не должна жить в страхе, что стану неофициальной акушеркой Ван дер Вудсен.

Quote (барышня)
К счастью, всегда есть Чак, чтобы мы не заметили слабину. На самом деле, я полностью за новый образ Чака.

Quote (барышня)
Почему? Потому что он - Чак Басс.

Quote (ShenanK)
Спасибо, Чак. Это именно то, что мне нужно. Маслянисто желтая рубашка с красным шейным платком? Только вы можете заставить это работать, и я более чем согласна с вами.

А вот за это браво. Молодец.

Quote (барышня)
Не смотрите на меня так. Это правда. Посмотрите на себя. Вы великолепны! Если бы я не знала, я бы сказала, что вы были одеты в такой наряд специально для встречи с принцем Луи. Не стыдитесь. Не прячьте ваши шейные платки под спуд. Возвращайтесь в Нью-Йорк похожим на Thurston Howell III, потому что это пятый сезон, и настало время несколько все перемешать.

Сообщение отредактировал Bronze - Суббота, 01.10.2011, 09:37
MsSophiaДата: Суббота, 01.10.2011, 09:32 | Сообщение # 167
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барышня, спасибо! biggrin
правда смешно, но чак как всегда на высоте!
и насчет живота би соглашусь, и насчет хамфри с нейтом тоже...
но наряды серены мне понравились!
особенно оранжевое короткое платье!
gossipДата: Суббота, 01.10.2011, 09:40 | Сообщение # 168
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шикарный обзор стиля, с юмором. от души посмеялась ))

волосы Блэр и вправду выглядят все печальнее ((

барышняДата: Суббота, 01.10.2011, 10:21 | Сообщение # 169
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Девушки, рада что вам понравилось biggrin biggrin biggrin Немного позитива - это всегда хорошо cool

Плесень размножается спорами...Не спорьте с плесенью :)))))
BronzeДата: Воскресенье, 02.10.2011, 13:48 | Сообщение # 170
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Who Was Your Best Dressed This Week?

BronzeДата: Воскресенье, 02.10.2011, 13:57 | Сообщение # 171
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Elizabeth Hurley: Engaged to Shane Warne!

Elizabeth Hurley is set to tie the knot with Shane Warne!

The 42-year-old Australian cricketer reportedly proposed to Elizabeth, 46, on Friday (September 30) while dining at the Old Course Hotel in Scotland.

“Thanks for all your congratulations,” Elizabeth wrote on her Twitter page.

The British actress, who was previously married to Arun Nayar, showed off a giant blue engagement ring on Saturday while cheering on Shane during the third round of The Alfred Dunhill Links Championships in Kingsbarns, Scotland.

Also pictured with the happy couple: Elizabeth’s 9-year-old son Damian (whose father is American businessman Steve Bing).

Congrats to Elizabeth and Shane!!!

BronzeДата: Воскресенье, 02.10.2011, 18:22 | Сообщение # 172
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The Best Dressed Front Rowers at Paris Fashion Week!

So far this Paris Fashion Week, we’ve seen Karlie Kloss flash her bottom for Dior, Olivier Rousteing present a storming debut at Balmain and Lady Gaga showing off her gappy teeth at Mugler. But forget the action on the catwalk for a moment! We want to know what the FROWers have been up to and, more specifically, what they’ve been wearing. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Sunday Girl, Poppy Delevigne and Dasha Zhukova at Dior

Olivia Palermo, Leighton Meester and Rachel Zoe at Dior

Julianne Moore and Kristin Scott Thomas at Lanvin

Salma Hayek and Charlotte Gainsbourg at Balenciaga

Lea Michele, Margherita Missoni and Ciara at Hogan

BronzeДата: Воскресенье, 02.10.2011, 18:33 | Сообщение # 173
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Aww! Kelly Rutherford’s Son, Hermes, Decorated Blake Lively’s Dressing Room With Paper Hearts! SO Cute!

Looks like someone on the ‘Gossip Girl’ set has a crush on Blake Lively — and no, it’s not Penn Badgley…

Kelly Rutherford who plays Lily Van Der Woodsen on Gossip Girl tells OK! Magazine her tots, Hermes and Helena, “love visiting the set.” The kids are such a hit in fact, Leighton Meester and Blake Lively have even offered to babysit them!

“The kids love visiting the set. My son, Hermes, can almost work the camera, and my daughter, Helena, loves the hair-and-makeup trailer,” Kelly told OK!. “Blake and Leighton offer to babysit, which is sweet, but they’re quite busy.”

And gets even CUTER!

“Hermes covered Blake’s dressing room with paper hearts,” she told the mag.

Aww, we think that is the most adorable thing EVER!

барышняДата: Воскресенье, 02.10.2011, 22:16 | Сообщение # 174
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Ох, Натали, ты с такой скоростью выкладываешь новости, что за тобой сможет успеть только команда переводчиков. Но все равно СПАСИБО!!!!

Перевод двух статей с, которые Bronze, выкладывала раньше.
Первая лежит здесь

Топ 5 OMG моментов из Gossip Girl, Сезон 5, эпизод 1.

Gossip Girl вернулась! Это кажется только нам, или она действительно стала мягче к своей старости? Может быть это все из-за Калифорнийского солнца, но GG показалась нам немного, хм, спокойной. Когда самой захватывающей вещью, которая случилась была автокатастрофа, после которой все ушли на своих ногах, тогда шоу должно активизировать свою OMG игру хотя бы немного. Большинство событий в сюжете просто перепевы финала четвертого сеона. Но, мы надеемся, что они были фундаментом для большего. Вот топ OMG моментов на этой неделе. Такие, какие есть.

Серена смогла удержаться на постоянной работе:

Честно говоря, это наиболее шокирующее событие для S за последние годы. Она действительно провела все лето без того, чтобы переспать с боссом, быть опоенной регипнолом на свидании или получить работу ведущей актрисы? Отлично для нее! Для кого-либо еще, это было бы минимумом профессионального поведения - но для S, это огромное достижение.

Ванесса продала роман Дэна:

Тьфу. Мы с нетерпением ожидали Gossip Girl без Ванессы. Но она все так же осуждает и манипулирует, как и прежде, и теперь мы даже не видим Джессику Зор, чтобы придать некоторый шарм отвратительному поведению V. Кто издает чей-то роман против их воли? Кто это делает? И все ее обоснование это: "Он хочет, он просто этого не знает". V может думать, что она - чувствительная хиппи, но у нее душа насильника на свиданиях.

Дэн пытается украсть Блэр:

Конечно, Дэн точно не покрыл себя славой в этом эпизоде. После всего этого времени, Лонли Бой все еще не знает, как работают простые схемы? Вы не можете украсть девушку вашей мечты у ее жениха, когда упомянутый жених в немилости только из-за вас. Все же мы действительно наслаждались тем, насколько снедаемый любовью выглядел Дэн в этой сцене.

Чак разбивается на своем мотоцикле:

Чак может думать, что он познал Дзен, но, как и в прошлом году, когда он пытался стать французским крестьянином, простая жизнь для него работает только, пока королева Би не совершает ее великолепный вход. Хотя, откровенно говоря, если парень поступает вроде: "Я разбил мой мотоцикл, потому что я скучаю по тебе", это не страшно веская причина, чтобы вернуться к нему. Ваш ход, Басс.

Блэр беременна:

Кто хочет пари, что у нее будет выкидыш в районе ноябрьского анализа популярности телепрограмм, как раз в тот момент, когда Эрик Даман не сможет больше одевать ее в кутюр? Ой, а кто отец? До сих пор нашими подозреваемыми были Чак и Луи, - но возможно, что между Дэном и Блэр произошло что-то о чем мы не знаем?

И вторая отсюда

5 причин, по которым Блэр будет прекрасной мамой

Учитывая, что беременность Блэр все еще может находиться под вопросом, то есть на ранних стадиях, мы, возможно, забегаем вперед. Но теперь, когда наши подозрения подтвердились, пришло время для всестороннего рассмотрения вопроса (Блэр бы гордилась нами), какой мамой современная принцесса (почти) может стать. Хотя мы немного сомневаемся, что нерожденный потомок Блэр когда-либо увидит свет, мы не сомневаемся, что Би составит конкуренцию Матушке Гусыни. И вот почему:

Она яростно защищает тех, кого любит. Нет жала более болезненного, чем то, которое принадлежит королеве Би. (Серьезно. Спросите литл Дж.)

Она гарантирует, что ее ребенок родится с серебряной ложкой во рту. Привилегий в семье Уолдорф всегда было предостаточно. Является папой Гримальди или Басс, чашка удачи всегда будет более чем полной.

Она будет одевать своего малыша во все самое стильное. Забудьте о Baby Gap, малыш Блэр будет одет в лучшие из лучших нарядов со всего земного шара.

Она очень интелектуальна и изысканна. И нам трудно поверить, что ребенка Блэр можно будет когда-либо увидеть с Лэго или с томиком «Медведей Беренштейн». Нет, мы не удивимся, если первые слова ребенка будут "Луис Бунюэль".

Она наркоманка контроля чрезвычайно дисциплинирована. Можете ли вы себе представить Блэр борющуюся с коликами без определенного плана с перепуганым видом? У нее есть определенные je ne sais quoi, когда речь идет о появлении менее чем желательных ситуациий, поэтому мы убеждены, что вместо сучащего ногами, кричащего ребенка - ребенок Блэр будет сосать соску Hermes во время чтения New Yorker .

А кроме того, у нее всегда есть Дорота.

Плесень размножается спорами...Не спорьте с плесенью :)))))

Сообщение отредактировал барышня - Воскресенье, 02.10.2011, 23:40
BronzeДата: Понедельник, 03.10.2011, 19:06 | Сообщение # 175
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Leighton Meester et Roxane Mesquida : des Gossip Girls à Paris !

A Paris, les it-girls sont de sortie pour la Fashion Week !
On a pu notamment retrouver Leighton Meester et Roxane Mesquida, deux actrices de la série Gossip Girl.

La première, qui joue la célèbre Blair Waldorf, était au défilé Dior vendredi (30 septembre). Vêtue d'une petite robe blanche très printanière, la brunette souriante a ébloui les photographes.

Quant à la française Roxane Mesquida, qui joue la future belle-soeur de Blair dans la saison 5 de Gossip Girl, elle était resplendisante avec sa capeline de feutre et son chemisier à volant violet.

Сообщение отредактировал Bronze - Понедельник, 03.10.2011, 19:18
BronzeДата: Вторник, 04.10.2011, 07:45 | Сообщение # 176
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‘Gossip Girl’ Season 5, Episode 2, ‘Beauty and The Feast’: TV Recap

Why does Dorota have to wear a feminine product on her head when she visits the doctor? These are things we’re thinking about while watching Gossip Girl.

A moment, to answer the Blair/Chuck vs Blair/Dan question. When this show started, it was fun because of all the schemes, bickering and outright mean girls and boys. They were all in school. They were all rich and bored except for those in Brooklyn who were poor and bored. The storylines were completely ridiculous (of course) but in a good soap opera way.

Five seasons later, everyone is besties. Is that any fun? No. What is Chuck doing with his life? Blair? Dan? Nate? Serena barely just got a life. They’ve all dropped out of college, or never went. Chuck had a hotel and then it was gone. It’s hard to root for anyone because they’ve all been blanded down from habanero to dollar store paprika. And that brings us to the ultimate bland couple, Dan and Blair, who barely sparked when fighting, and certainly not when kissing. All the side characters – Vanessa, Lilly. Rufus, the gay brother who never spoke, Jenny – are all gone.

So really GG writers, we’re bored. Yes, we know Chuck did some horrible things, but um, it’s a fake show. No one actually sold anyone for a hotel or slept with anyone’s sister. He and Blair are the only couple who still shazzam when they’re together. Dan is just a whiney wannabe hipster who sat around and pined for Serena while she treated him badly and is now doing the same thing with Blair. Also, Chuck is still very, very fine. Even in an ascot. Now, back to the show.

Dan is trying to get his book back from wherever Vanessa sold it. The book is all about how much he wuuuvess his little Blairy. Dan asks Chuck for help and makes some snide comment about Blair not loving Chuck anymore. Chuck is all like “well you might have kissed her but guess who had a final naked piano throwdown? So, neh!” Dan is convinced Chuck is trying to get Blair back.

Serena is still in Los Angeles. Remember she ran into fake Charlie/Ivy who pretended to be her cousin. Serena wants to live with her fake cousin. There’s a whole boring deal about Serena talking to her grandma about getting Charlie/Ivy her trust money back. Serena then decides whether to move back to New York – and wants to bring fake Charlie with her.

Fake Charlie/Ivy – Yeah, we still don’t know what’s going on there. She’s living with some dude who wants to use her fake money to fill his chef dreams. When Serena wants to live together, Charlie fakes a cheque. Then she wants to move to Portland with the dude to escape Serena. Instead she ends up moving back to New York with Serena. Wasn’t there another fake person who really lived up in Vermont and was trying to get back at Serena for putting her brother in jail? Didn’t we do this already?

Blair is still with the prince, whom we hate because hasn’t done anything interesting beyond being there. She’s having horrible morning sickness and is all sorts of pregnant. Thinking that it might be Chuck’s baby means all her dreams are falling apart. But really? Marrying some Monaco dude is her dream? Wasn’t she all about fashion at one point? I seem to recall an internship.

Beatrice is the prince’s sister. She thinks Blair has a drug problem and is bulimic. The sister tries to force Blair to eat and that does not go well with the nausea. The sister finds out Blair is pregnant! Dan finds out Blair is pregnant! The prince still doesn’t know.

Chuck is still recovering from skidding on the motorcycle and has fractured ribs. The doctor is not amused and says the injuries are bordering on dangerous. Chuck is courting danger by walking in a bad neighborhood. It’s all about the Fight Club. Chuck is apparently paying people to beat him up. He says he literally feels nothing anymore and wishes he were dead. Dan is v. sad. He diagnoses Chuck with the Internet.

Nate is still doing nothing. I don’t even remember what happened with his parents. He’s so bored he’s baking brownies. He’s talking about an internship. Doing what? The California woman, aka Elizabeth Hurley, whom he slept with, appeared at his mother’s house for a (denied) interview. Nate is apparently very desperate and trades access to his mother for sex with Ms. Hurley.

Hey – there was no party tonight! I can’t remember the last time that happened. But wait..

Next week: There’s a fight at a party! Blair finds out who the baby daddy might be. So go ahead Bland lovers, bring it on!

BronzeДата: Вторник, 04.10.2011, 07:54 | Сообщение # 177
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Beauty and the Feast

The good news is that Blair did not sleep with Dan. The fact that they were trying to insinuate this last episode made me seriously mad. Here it is, a review of season 5 episode 2 and my thoughts/concerns.

It's official. The Queen B is pregnant. Here's the thing about the whole Blair marrying Louis becoming a princess and having his baby business. I am so over it. This baby had better be Chuck's. Blair CANNOT leave the UES to go live in Monaco. That would be a travesty. Also, I'm pretty sure that Baby Bass would be the cutest thing ever. My other thought is that the writers may find a way to sneakily write this baby out altogether. Maybe some sort of miscarriage or something. I thought Blair's reasoning with Dan about her choice to not get an abortion was adorable. PLEASE be Chuck's baby.

Speaking of our dear Daniel. It's obvious that he is harboring secret feelings for Blair. I've said it before and I will say it again. They are absolutely adorable as friends and I love the friendship that is growing between them but I just don't see them together romantically. They are too similar. Eventually they would self-destruct. I think Dan's concern for Chuck was pretty cute too. Looking up the symptoms to Chuck's current state of PTSD-esque disorder due to the trauma of losing Blair and advising that he try to feel some good things instead of bad things, "I could tickle you" was probably the best line in the whole episode and Chuck's reaction was hilarious. The whole scene was a good one. You know what might get Chuck to feel something? A baby, maybe?

I'm psyched that Chuck & Nate are back in New York. I love Chuck's suite at the Empire. Nate and his obsession with the Elizabeth Hurley character was not really a storyline I paid much attention to. I am curious what this whole thing will amount to though. Also, very excited that Serena is coming back to New York as well. How convenient that her boss is actually from New York (did everyone else see that one coming? I hope so). Sadly she will be bringing the imposter Charlie/Ivy/Whoever. I'm not sure where they're going with this character as I'm not 100% sure what her story is. It should make for an interesting storyline for Serena but it will be sad when she realizes that she has been fooled and lied to yet again. Serena, why do you trust ALL the wrong people?

On to my new least favorite character Louis' sister. Not a fan. I'm getting super tired of these french accents. She's definitely up to the sneaky scheming that Blair has been missing as of late. I knew from the beginning that she was bad news and called the fact that she wants the throne. I feel bad for Louis. I wish that he could see that his family never seems to have his best interests at heart. She may end up saving Chuck & Blair in the end though and for that I will be grateful but the more and more into Blair & Louis' relationship the show gets into the more sad I get for Louis. He really is a lovely guy (despite the annoying accent) and it's going to be sad when he loses the fight...unless, of course, it is his baby.

The good news is that soon all will be revealed as the wedding draws near.

Thank goodness this Save-the-Date gave us the wedding date. We know that all hell will have to break loose before then! Less than 2 months! The preview for next week looks exciting and it looks like we may possibly find out who the father is. That would be fabulous. Fingers crossed!

BronzeДата: Среда, 05.10.2011, 10:30 | Сообщение # 178
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Gossip Girl Recap: I’d Hoped Denial Would Last Longer As a Coping Mechanism

Last night, it was as if a plague had swept the Upper East Side, one whose symptoms were uniquely tailored to their hosts. Nearly everyone on Gossip Girl was suffering: Blair was the pregnantest pregnant person ever, full of bile and puke and inconvenient emotions. She wants badly to be a princess, but the determination of the creature inside of her to make trouble is an almost certain indication of who its father is (and it's not "mild-mannered" Louis, even if he is "surprisingly virile."). Meanwhile, Chuck was experiencing acute female hysteria, Dan was lovelorn as ever, and Nate had an itch that only a cougar could scratch. And then there was Serena, who as always, was suffering from chronic stupidity.

But as always, in sickness and in health, the Reality Index perseveres.

Realer Than “Carmmageddon” in L.A.
• “I’m sick of you guys on antidepressants,” the woman credited as “Unsatisfied Hottie” grumbles as she leaves the apartment. And that’s how we know we’re back in New York. Plus 5
• Nate is having trouble getting it up, he tells Chuck, because he “can’t stop thinking about that woman from L.A.” Chuck: “That’s understandable, given your mother issues.” Plus 5
• Nate copes with cougar withdrawal by baking pot brownies. Plus 5
• He had sex with her in a house that she owns, and she told him to his face that she also owns a newspaper called The New York Spectator. Yet Nate is incapable of finding out via basic Google search or property record lookup the name of the woman he’s obsessing over until he gets a paper card with her name on it. Plus 10
• New York Senator Chuck Schumer and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein are both personally vying to offer Nate, the pothead college dropout son of a convicted Ponzi schemer who doesn’t even understand how 411 works, an internship. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Actually, you know what? Yeah, we’re going to put this in the plus column because that’s probably why this country is so fucked up. Plus 20
• Blair is intent on showing up “Charlene and her swimmer’s body,” by becoming a style icon in Monaco. If this thing really works out — more on that later — then Charlene’s going to be wearing headbands and fetching yogurt before long. Plus 2
• “Shh, you never know who might be lurking.” Blair says, seconds before Louis lisps, “Hello, Blair?” through her bedroom door. Plus 10 for acknowledgment of the fact that even on a show where nary a furtive conversation is had without being overheard by someone else, Louis is a lurker nonpareil.
• Beatrice recognizes the symptoms of bulimia “from boarding school,” she tells Dorota. Plus 5 “The pale skin, the not eating in public.” Plus another 2
• Now that characters have been doing things behind our backs like writing novels and taking pregnancy tests, it seems safe to say that while in Los Angeles, Serena pilfered a few bobbly earrings and shrunken blazers from the set of Clarissa Explains It All. Plus 2
• Cece’s bridge games get so “brutal” that cops need to be called. Plus 2
• Dan attempts to get into Vanessa’s account using the password “Maysles.” Plus 8
• Things that are behind Dan when he’s talking on the phone to Serena: The Sound Studio, Blown to Bits: A Wake-up Call to the Human Consequences of the Digital Revolution, a book on law school. Things that are behind Serena: billboards for Louis Vuitton, Armani Exchange. Not bad, set dressers. Plus 2
• Aw, Gossip Girl crew member Ramona Wong is in Dan’s phone. Plus 4
• Charlie: “I’m not sure there’s enough closet space ... The beach traffic can get really bad, and that might depress me ... Maybe I should just stay where I am ... ”
Serena: “So you’re going to give this place up because of traffic? Oh, I don’t have my check book.”
Charlie: “I don’t think I have enough to cover two months' rent ... ”
Serena: “Unless you bought the Maldives without telling me. [beat] Is this your way of telling me that you don’t want to live with me?” Duh. DO YOU THINK? Plus 5
• Louis, suddenly appearing behind Blair at church: “Tell me what?” Plus another 5, see above.
• Dan to Chuck: “I could tickle you.” Plus 5
• Louis “may be mild-mannered, but he’s surprisingly virile.” Plus 2
• Nate convinces his mother to do the interview with Elizabeth Hurley by telling her it would make her “classier than Ruth Madoff.” Plus 2
• Elizabeth Hurley: “Are you trying to trade my interview with your mother for sex?” Nate: “Yes.” Plus 2
• Strong-willed British babe comes to town with outsize ideas about building a media empire, using her position as a tool to harness power. Her first story is on “the disgraced wives of dirty businessmen.” Yeah, that sounds about right. Plus 10
• Beatrice is secretly trying to undermine her brother in order to get the crown for herself. Obviously. Monaco, like the Upper East Side, is known for being a place where, "rumour and malice [are] held up as a national sport.” Plus 10
• Aiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee we shrieked aloud when Beatrice kissed the priest, even though we knew something had to be up with him since he looks like a Chippendale’s dancer. Plus 50, and more to come if at the next Big Party he whips off his cassock in one smooth motion, revealing it to have been held together with velcro.

Total: 169

Faker Than Gossip Girl Tipsters Being Vigilant About Goings-On in Queens
• Honestly, if Chuck is going to do this Fight Club thing, wouldn’t it make more sense for him to do it in a basement or a ballroom of his hotel or anywhere except the same street corner, twice? Minus 3
• Gossip Girl’s item about Blair is headlined “The Princess Bride,” reminding us how long it’s been since Wallace Shawn dared show his face on this show. No points, just saying.
• Why is Dorota wearing a pantyliner on her head at her own doctor’s appointment? Minus 5
• We know Gossip Girl sees all, but really? Dan finds Chuck getting beaten up on the Gossip Girl map? How did that happen? Did he check in? How did that look? “Chuck Bass Has Unseated Gin-Soaked Bum As Mayor of Random Alley In Long Island City”? Minus 6
• Dan calls Serena for help hacking into Vanessa’s bank account. Because, Serena van der Woodsen, ace hacker, obviously. Minus 5
• Beatrice deduces Blair has an eating disorder or a drug problem just because she goes to the bathroom a lot and isn’t interested in eating a dirty water hot dog from a street cart. Minus 5
• Why doesn’t Louis question the presence of Dan Humphrey, wearing a T-shirt and jeans and looking deeply pained, at a church event filled with royals? For that matter, how did security let him in? Minus 5
• Characters who are supposed to be native French speakers speaking English to each other even when there’s no one else around. Come on. Did Lost do nothing right? Minus 5
• Of all the things that are ridiculous about Ivy and her boyfriend Max’s sudden decision to up and move to Portland — don’t they have a lease in L.A.? What are they going to do with all those tchotchkes? Also, why is this guy such a total pussy? — Max’s preemptive purchase of Road Snacks was somehow the most galling. The whole point of Funyuns is that you’re allowed to buy them on the road because they’re the only thing around. Duh. Minus 8
• Still, that’s not quite as ridiculous as Ivy suddenly deciding to full-on assume a new identity instead of just owning up to Serena about her crazy-ass aunt. Minus 10
• Dan diagnoses Chuck with “conversion disorder,” otherwise known as “hysteria,” and postulates that he’s traumatized by Blair leaving him “forever.” We think we may have seen this on Days of Our Lives once. Minus 15
• Blair BumpWatch 2011: Is this for real happening? Really? Never mind who the father is: Are we seriously supposed to believe that the rest of the season is going to be all about Blair getting fat and obsessing about baby carriages and being like, "Pickles!" and going out to dinner and looking uncomfortable and not drinking except for maybe a small glass of Guinness, and then giving birth and being like, "Oh ha-ha I never thought I would be this person but it's really true that when you have a baby, it's impossible to talk or to think about anything else!" and being like, "baby weight, argh" and "mommy and me yoga" so on through getting the kid into Constance Billiard so that the cycle can begin all over again? The answer is no, this cannot possibly happen, unless they're trying to capitalize on the Teen Mom phenomenon and/or drive us out of our fricking minds. The alternatives, however, now that it's pretty much established she's up the spout, are just as unappealing: Abortion? Miscarriage? Kidnapping? Alien abduction? Will she give birth to Rosemary's Baby? Actually, that would be kind of cool. Still, Minus 10 for even making us think about any of this.

Total: 62

Despite our reservations about the pregnancy plotline and Chuck's West Side Story–looking fight scenes, hilariously subversive name-dropping of Lloyd Blankfein and promisingly absurd scenarios involving Nate and the princess of Monaco cheered us and brought this episode over to the the Real side. As always, put your points, thoughts, hopes, and dreams about marrying a prince in the comments.

MsSophiaДата: Среда, 05.10.2011, 10:39 | Сообщение # 179
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Gossip Girl Recap: I’d Hoped Denial Would Last Longer As a Coping Mechanism

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