В преддверии матча Англия-Франция) - трансляция: Прямой эфир: 20:00 Россия 1; Повтор/Запись: 12 июня 12:40 Россия 2 вы знаете, за кого я и Эдя сегодня будем надрывть голосовые связки))))
Сообщение отредактировал Lada92 - Понедельник, 11.06.2012, 14:55
Lada92, Ох)) Этот матч скоро начнется у меня в городе)) Иностранци мелкими кучками гуляют по улицам)Жаль, что евросоюз и американци напугали всех англичан, сказав, что у нас в стране сплошные Крайм Крайм Крайм(( Я так надеялась, что может быть Эдька этот матч не пропустит, и можно будет выхватить автограф с фоткой( Одни французы тут. Собственно их сборная тоже у нас во время матча живет и тренируется на базе местного Шахрера.
Хэй, я тоже буду сегодня болеть за Англию, но Эд Вествик здесь совершенно ни при чем )))) Просто потому что там есть такой талантливейший игрок, капитан и Человек как Стивен Джеррард!!!
А еще Дэвид Бекхэм, Тео Уолкотт и Руни )))
.... но я хочу чтобы забил Карим Бензема- самый красивый, обаятельный и великолепный нападающий мира и сборной Франции ))))
ахах, да я тоже не из-за него, просто рада, что тут наши с ним предпочтения пересекаются))) мои любовь и интерес к Англии появились за долго до того, как я вообще узнала про Сексвика) а с остальным я абсолютно согласна! (и ещё обожаю костюмы, которые шьются специально для команды по таким случаям и в которых они приезжают на стадион)))))
Persefonia, угу, ппривели в порядок город за последние лет 5) Есть хотя бы где погулять, парки убрали, цветочки высадили) Вокруг Донбасс Арены тоже огромный парк разбили, рядом с домом моим)) Теперь не хуже, чем в Киеве)) Пойду пройдусь, с Англичанами поболтаю)) Может заберут с собой =D
Ююхуу)) прыгаю как сумасшедшая по квартире)) Украина выйгралааа!!!!! простите за офтоп- эмоции)) шикарный фейерверк, приятная погода и куча людей с бритишь акцентом)) жаль англия в ничью сыграла
Rita4ka89, И тебя с победой У нас вокруг Крещатика до четырех ночи крики, песни, беспрерывные сигналы машин - атмосфера как будто мировой чемпионат выиграли, не меньше. Ну и твиттер порадовал, мелочь, а приятно.
Многие из нас сейчас пересматривают ГГ, девочки зарубежные тоже
что-то видится совсем по другому... наткнулась я сегодня на пост один, тема отель и попытка убить БУ с помощью стекла - да очень обморочные на сто раз затертые, и нами уже не воспринимаемые потому что... ну, все понимают почему а тем не менее это было Thoughts on Chuck and Blair
This shall be the first installment of many. I am new to the fandom and I have 5 seasons to fangirl over so be prepared for my bombardment of opinion.
Now that that’s out the way. I must first admit that I have been running a serious Chuck and Blair marathon for about 2 weeks now. From S1 to S5 I cannot help but want to relive every moment of it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I don’t know if I need to continue in this excess as Chuck would suggest to get over something or if I should take a page from Blair’s book and try a cleanse. *sigh*
Anyway, my first thought on Chuck and Blair has to be that I love everything about their story be it a moment of joy or a moment of sorrow, be it good or bad. In true fan fashion, I will use a quote made by Blair to Chuck to describe how I feel about them as a couple.
“The worst thing you’ve ever done, the darkest thought you’ve ever had; I will stand by you through anything.”
As a couple, Chuck and Blair have had some truly trying moments. Two such moments, the “trading for a hotel” and the “punching of glass,” seem to be the topic of much discussion. I’ve read many opinions and now I am throwing mine into the mix.
I would rank these two controversial moments amongst my favorite Chuck and Blair moments. Although favorite moments when it comes to couples tend to be those considered hot, sexy and/or sweet (I fangirl over such moments as well), I also gravitate to what I consider to be complex emotionally charged pivotal moments that bring forth both flawed and endearing character traits. For in such moments, layers of facade are pulled back leaving the rawness of vulnerability. It is in such vulnerability that I find the essence of a character, which either makes him/her root-worthy or unroot-worthy. And by root-worthy I mean investing in the character and wanting to see him/her grow not wanting the character to do no wrong or go unscathed.
I find that in each of these two moments the many facets of their relationship, who they are together, and who they are as individuals were revealed. From the “hotel incident” several things were apparent:
Chuck was willing to barter Blair to get his hotel back. Blair was willing to barter herself to get Chuck’s hotel back. Chuck thought he and Blair could move past the incident because they loved each other. Blair was willing to have sex with Jack because she loved Chuck. Chuck did not want Blair to have sex with with Jack. Blair did not want to have sex with Jack. Chuck did not tell Blair his plan. Blair did not tell Chuck her plan.
For me, the striking thing was the parallels between both of their actions. Both were willing to use sex to get what they wanted while keeping it a secret from the other hoping that all would be okay in the end because they loved each other. Both were operating under the assumption that anything no matter how despicable could be excused because of love. In the end, I think they both learned the hard way that although one is willing to do anything (sex with Jack) or forgive anything (sex with Jack) because of love, love should have also stopped one from doing the despicable act (sleeping with Jack) or setting up the despicable act (sleeping with Jack). This lesson was learned the painful way, but it was a lesson that needed to be learned. Hence, this is one of my favorite Chuck/Blair moments because it thought them love is double-edged sword not to be weilded without care.
The other incident I want to discuss is when Chuck lost his temper and punched through the glass window resulting in Blair receiving a cut on her cheek. Heartbreaking is the word that best describes what happened. My heart cracks for him every time I watch that scene. *tears* He was losing the love in (yes in not of; it gives it a different meaning) his life in a way that seemed more permanent than ever before in the midst of his world crumbling around him (i.e. things he was learning about his dad). Therefore, his desperation in that moment was so real and understandable; however, the actions that resulted are not condoned. I appreciate this moment because it showed Chuck at his lowest of lows. Without reaching this low I don’t think Chuck would have matured into the man that realized the worst thing that could have happened happened and although it hurt like hell he was not destroyed.
I think I have rambled enough. But I would like to close with a quote from Chuck about Blair that sums up my love for Chuck/Blair that accepts all of the aspects of their relationship.
“It’s stupid for you to want her to be anything other than she is.”
вообще интересная девочка эта http://almoundy.tumblr.com/ понравились мне ее рассуждения, а ее рассказ как она начала смотреть ГГ по совету дайровца и настроенная шиппить даир с первого сезона - так вообще бесценный опыт