Ха, я про "Сплетницу" благодаря "Барвихе" узнала. Отсмотрела пару серий российского "шедевра", стала любопытничать в инете многие ли согласны, что это редкое де.... И нарвалась на комментарий какого-то парнишки типа - сперва найдите в рядах наших доблестных актеров своего Чака Басса, а потом пыжтесь. А то у вас получилось даже не подражательство "Сплетнице", а нечто курам на смех! Что до тинейджеров, то в 3-5 сезонов у наших героев совсем не детские дела-проблемы. Хотя, конечно, они и в первых частях сериала совсем не среднестатистические старшеклассники. Испорченные люди - это те, у которых нет любви.
По поводу Teen Choice мне кажется тут дело не в тинейджерах и не в актерах… Сам ТСА изначально был чистой коммерцией, как впрочем и другие подобные мероприятия. А зачем пиарить сериал, которому осталось жить 10 серий? Потому и выигрывают гараздо более перспективные проекты.
по фоткам с этого сета сложно понять где заканчиваются Бассы и начинаются ЭЛы. скорее всего та сцена была изначально больше и ее урезали при монтаже хотя всегда есть вероятность что это ЭЛам так хорошо на съемках было
Интересная теория начала нового сезона на основе скриптов: SECRET RELATIONSHIP THEORY :)
Based on the call-sheet and pictures we've gotten thus far, I really think it could down like this. Of course, it could go down numerous ways, but here we go.
In Monte Carlo, Chuck and Blair have hot crazy wild sex filled with I love you's and I'm sorry's. I almost expect a montage of scenes 1-7, which explains why there isn't much dialogue. But I am almost certain they will be having sexy times.
Fast forward to the present, Blair is in France, Chuck is in Dubai. He has "tucked his tail" under his legs so to speak, went back to daddy, and begged to be given another shot. Bart assigns him the new Dubai project as a test. Chuck tells Bart he is done with letting Blair string him along, and that Bart was right all along. She makes him weak.
So then Lily calls Chuck, Nate, and Blair over to voice her concerns about Serena. CB, of course, act very distant and the audience will think that the Chuck/Bart alliance is true. I almost suspect them to keep up the charade in front of Nate too. Tension galore in the limo, yes?
Then in scene 45, the truth comes out. Chuck and Blair (and Jack) are in cahoots. They are going to take Bart down from the inside. Hell, maybe CB ARE married but this is why they have to hide it. Chuck is going to pretend he is back to his playboy partying ways, and of course, Bart will underestimate him. This would be great drama for our couple. One, there has to be an immense amount of trust between the two. Blair will have to deal with Chuck acting like he has no care in the world and as if he is bedding numerous women every night. And Chuck will have to deal with the fact that he can't shout from the roof tops that Blair is HIS WIFE. Lots of tension and drama. Both of them would have to say things about the other to make it believable, maybe even overheard by the other. I could see them both wanting to back out of the scheme at one point or another because it's getting to be too much. Also, this provides an opportunity for the writers to have CB sneaking around ala Season 1. Sneaky Chair sex anyone? Blair's office? Yes, yes?
It also ties in with Dangina stalking everyone and trying to dig up dirt and out it on everyone on the UES. I'm sure they'd love to out Chuck and Blair's scheme if they were to find out about it. Also, Chuck has a scene with Amira in scene 15. This scene will lead us to believe Amira is just helping Bart/Chuck with their new venture, and then in scene 49 we find out she's really helping Chuck take Bart down.
What do you guys think? Probably not gonna happen but it's fun to speculate
как же уже хочется увидеть что-то подобное на фото со съемок
Я вот не понимаю, почему они так старательно избегают фото с совместных сцен Лей и Эда? До сих пор держат интригу? Выложили бы уже да побольше в хорошем качестве, все бы только рады были а так остаётся только гадать по тем невнятным снимкам, что там происходит..
Занимательная теория. Это первая серия или несколько "первых" серий? Только я думала (где-то писали), что 6-ой сезон будет посвящен восстановлению Блерены, а этой теории о ней почти ни слова. И немного смущающий меня нюанс: Чак уже давно определился, что семья для него важна. А пытаясь ткнуть Барта носом в ... лужу, он тем самым задевает, как минимум, Лил, которая живет на деньги Брата, не так ли?
А на скрывающих свои отшения ЧБ я всегда готова смотреть.
Сообщение отредактировал OlyaP - Среда, 25.07.2012, 20:45
привет всем!) мне очень жаль, что я так редко пишу, но читаю вас ежевечерне, лейдис) я, конечно, пока держу данное себе слово и не читаю скрипты и спойлеры, но зато все фото чуть ли под микроскопом рассмотрела) новый кадр - бальзам на душу) вот кстати откуда помимо нашего сайта я смотрю все новые фото) группа Эда в контакте
mio-mio, Марин, спасибо за классные фики, мне очень понравились) мне вот, например, понравился вот этот, тоже связанный с окончанием 5 сезона (не знаю, было уже или нет) Play for Keeps а это тоже фик Роньи, но уже её импровизация с комой))) уж и не знаю, что лучше: трагедия, описанная в фике, или клоунада, которую мы лицезрели.... Picking up the Pieces
Сегодня весь СВ фандом хихикал над одной банной теорией
I found a post from a DB fan on DB vs. CB sex. (I don’t want to name the person, but seriously, one half of this fandom is completely delusional). “The spoilers also said there was going some sexy scene filmed with Blair. It’s obviously her and chuck. Although the thought of CB sex makes me want to vomit I’m actually looking forward to this scene. I’m not crazy. Hear me out. We’ve scene Blair with Dan. We had an entire episode dedicated to DB sex. They were great together. They were sexy, fun, and passionate. We saw how desperately Blair wanted to have sex with Dan. She had a basket of romantic things for them. She showed up in lingerie in Brooklyn as soon as he gave her the signal that the parents wouldn’t be there even though that’s not what he meant. He wasn’t inviting her over for sex. He was inviting her over for actual food. But she wanted him so much she just jumped to the sex. I want to see Blair trying to have sex with chuck now. Because I bet you anything that CB sex will fall flat now that we’ve seen DB sex and how much they wanted each other.”
Well…LOL. I think we’re all just watching different shows. Blair has ALWAYS wanted to have sex with Chuck. She slept with him in the limo, at her seventeenth birthday party, at Lily and Bart’s wedding. She continued to sleep with him throughout S2 and she LOVED it. They had great sex throughout S3 as well and even had a friends-with-benefits period, too. (Um, piano sex, anyone? That was the hottest CB scene in the entire series. No, wait. Hottest scene, period.)
Yeah, Blair did try to have sex with Dan. She did turn up in his Brooklyn loft in lingerie. They ended up doing the deed in a hotel. And guess what? In Dan’s own words, “It was mind-numbingly boring.” Neither of them enjoyed it when they were sober.
About the whole elevator sex thing? They were drunk. Blair was especially more sloshed than Dan was. (“I can smell vodka on your breath”) Blair and Dan managing to have sex in the elevator when they were drunk doesn’t make them incredibly sexually compatible. After that, they had sex in an alley, again, when they were smashed.
I don’t remember Dan and Blair having sober, good sex after that. I don’t remember them having sex after that, period. Do you?
I heard Dair fans making a lot of noise about Chuck having sex “fully clothed”. What about Dan and Blair having drunk sex twice and never trying it again?
Do you guys not remember Blair asking Dan and Serena for advice when she wanted to seduce Chuck? Yeah, she totally didn’t want to have sex with him at all.
Let’s take a look at all Chuck and Blair’s sexy moments.