Да уж))) Я тоже люблю, но больше летом, когда её с молнией и жара стоит) ууу)))
Классный арт)
так дышать практически нечем летом, понимаю, а в то время тоже люблю, не ну нам хотя бы нормальный дождь, а то снег прямо лепил, а вроде как уже весна на дворе)))
так дышать практически нечем летом, понимаю, а в то время тоже люблю, не ну нам хотя бы нормальный дождь, а то снег прямо лепил, а вроде как уже весна на дворе))) да))
Особенно этим летом))) Вообще дождей не было и дышать было нечем)))
Рассуждение на то как закончится 4 сезон, в принципе мне нравится, тогда 5 сезон будет много драмы и много Дэйр))
This what I think will happen in this season.
Chuck gives Jack his hotel in exchange for him to tell the Prince that Blair sold herself. Dan finds out and punches Chuck. The Prince breakup with Blair and Blair feels ashamed of herself. Chuck gives Blair a speech on how they belong together, how epic they are and that no one will love her twisted side.Then Dan will declare himself to Blair, telling her that she is prefect and he loves all of her(including her bad side).
Dan and Blair get together and decided to date in the open. One week later (It always happens in the finale) Blair and Dan are planning to leave together for the summer.They decide that they will sleep together in Rome (or France) and it will be romantic. Dan is waiting for Blair at the airport, while she finish packing and is talking to Serena who seems okay their relationship. Chuck arrives at Blair's place and tells her that they need to talk. Serena hugs Blair and leaves.
Chuck pretends to accept Blair's relationship with Dan and tells her he wants to be friends. He takes her to the airport as friends, but Chuck pays someone takes a picture of them together in the limo and sends it to gossip girl. Chuck sends a message (NOW) to Serena who is not okay with Dair and has join alliance with Chuck. Serena arrives to the airport and tells Dan that Blair doesn't want him and she is in love with Chuck. Dan doesn't believe her and she show him the gossip blast. She also tells him that Blair wanted them to be together and shows him the plane ticket(which she stole from Blair). Dan is piss and leaves with Serena.
Season 5 with be intense and it would be about Blair and Dan, their feelings for each other vs Chuck, Serena and Jenny (it would give them something interesting to do in the show).