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ЭмануэльДата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:06 | Сообщение # 2491
High Society
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Quote (LANa4713)
Да вроде уже подтверждалось, что Луи не будет в 5-м сезоне. Я не думаю, что Блэр будет жалеть об отношениях с Луи, как я уже писала вчера, мне кажется, она просто поймет, что это просто ее детская мечта, которой нет места в ее взрослой жизни, так же как в свое время с Нейтом было.

Если будет так, то это не плохо. Логично и красиво завершат их историю, но после самое мучительное для разных фанатов ДБ и ЧБ - выбор Блер. Я думаю, что все точно будут озлобленными.

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:06 | Сообщение # 2492
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не могу не согласиться))

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:10 | Сообщение # 2493
High Society
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Quote (Эмануэль)
К концу сезона творится что-то нереальное) Все слетают с крыш и пишут вот продюсерам на твитер. Ну не бред ли?)
Сейчас пролистаю странички)

так еще и конец длинного хиатуса)))
волнения пошли..

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:17 | Сообщение # 2494
High Society
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away from the Bassholes all the signs are bad for them.

Example: I went today to my doctor's office. The nurse there knows I write about TV and asks what I had been doing lately. I told her and then added, "But weirdly, the show I've gotten the most delight from lately is one I wouldn't put in a list of my top 30 shows." She asked what show and I said, "Gossip Girl." She exploded, "I love Dan and Blair!" And another nurse overhead and yelled out, "Me, too!" They both got really stressed out when I told them that The Kiss wasn't going to lead to Dan and Blair getting together right away. But I assured them that they would eventually.

Don't Panic

Dan and Blair have a long, long story ahead of them. Temporary set backs are merely that: temporary. All the foundations of a very long story have been laid in place, and despite the bleatings of the Bassholes, this pairing is hugely popular. As I've said elsewhere, Dan and Blair are single-handedly responsible for reigniting interest in the show. Even if the viewership goes up, the viewers who remain are more excited now than they have ever been.

Keep in mind: fully a third of ALL posts on the "All I Want is Everything" thread here on TWoP have been made since the LAST episode. How in the hell can that even be possible? I mean, back in the fall only a couple of pages would be filled in a week. Not that is done in an afternoon.

Remember, the people at the CW and who work at GG know how to assess all this. They know the terrorist tactics of the Bassholes for what they are, and while they don't want to alienate them (though interestingly some have gone ahead and done that anyway), they are not going to back away from Dan and Blair. They have hit narrative gold: a story that fans suddenly care about, passionately.

yakakosДата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:18 | Сообщение # 2495
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как тут подписиь поставить
что-то img/img и url=img/img/url
не помогли

LANa4713Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:20 | Сообщение # 2496
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Blair: "And now the only thing that brings me any joy is planning Dan Humphrey's long, slow demise"

А ведь ей и придумывать ничего не надо было biggrin , просто влюбить его в себя, судя по всему, наш одинокий парень в конце сезона и так с разбитым сердцем останется. Ох, уж эта сердцеедка-интриганка Блэр biggrin

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:22 | Сообщение # 2497
High Society
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I wish that the last 3 episodes were already spoiled for us. I just wanna know if there's going to be any payoff for me being a devoted viewer this year. This is the first season that I didn't get bored halfway through and catch up on DVD. I NEED to know that it's been worth it. LOL

I hate that Chuck gets to spend the entire season being an ass and the writers think we'll love him in the last 5 episodes. Honestly, it just makes me hate him more.

I agree with everyone else in that I don't want DB to end up together at the end of the season, but I don't want her to end up with Chuck either. I want her to go off with the Prince, because at least then we know anything can happen next season. Although ending the season with Chair and then coming back next season only to find out they've broken up during the summer would be awesome. Chair fans would be SO pissed.

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:25 | Сообщение # 2498
High Society
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I feel the exact same way. I feel like their season 4 arc would be incomplete and that I would be extremely pissed this summer if Blair doesn't show any sign that she's into Dan. I mean, what would be up with throwing us all these little nuances from her end this winter and not showing any near the end of the season, especially now that we know how Dan feels? What a failure that would be. :/ It would kind of be a dead end. I think they're going to try and maximize on this new buzz as much as possible as the finale gets closer and definitely over the summer; they've already started fueling the fire during the last days of the hiatus by putting out Chair stuff one day and Dair stuff the next. If Dan's feelings for Blair are still seen as unrequited by the time summer starts then what would we have to look forward to? Wouldn't the best setup to Dair in season 5, in which they've indicated they will interact.

This could even apply to before the season Dan even a viable candidate on the "ballot for Blair's heart" if there's no indication AT ALL that she gives a shit? Logically, at the very least, there would HAVE to be a small (or, idk, maybe so large that my view of my TV screen is obstructed ;P) payoff of some sort in the finale implying that, contrary to what she says in 4.18/4.19, Blair does like Dan as more than a friend.

LeraFISHk@Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:26 | Сообщение # 2499
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Эмануэль, ну да, в начале он точно будет. А вообще, вся эта ругань как-то ни к чему. Нет чтоб нормально общаться, войнушки тут устроили. Я лично просто смотрю сериал из интереса и ни накаких продюссеров не буду нападать, если мне что-то не понравиться. По-моему эти люди уже стали психопатами и параноиками.

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:27 | Сообщение # 2500
High Society
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BTW, what are the writers smoking spewing shit like "CHUCK WAITING FOR BLAIR"!?!?! Since when?

I know. I sometimes wonder if they throw out so many ideas in the writers' room that they forget what was actually shown. Or maybe the stuff with Raina was supposed to really be nothing more than BI games and Chuck has just gone so far off the rails that what the writers think would be obvious is not clear to the audience.

But then again its probably just them trying to keep certain fan bases calm because they know they went too far and damaged Chuck and Blair too much.

At least its mostly in the press. When it gets to Roswell levels of crazy, I'm getting out. That damn show used to have a character explain the previouslies on a chalkboard, except they were the alternate universe version of what actually happened.

Seriously, it could be worse than the WTF in the press. Envision Vanessa explaining at the beginning of every episode how, perviously, Chuck is a reformed kissing bandit who is now devoted to his one true love, Blair, and has been chastly waiting for her to grow up enough to be his equal so they can be together forever.

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:29 | Сообщение # 2501
High Society
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LeraFISHk@, да еще какими)))
только из-за того что продюсер высказал свое мнение, несогласное с ними, они пишут Джошу чтобы он пересмотрел его работу, типо ты же босс))) а потом говорят "мы такие милыыыыыыыые"

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:31 | Сообщение # 2502
High Society
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Safran and Savage have stated explicitly that Dan and Blair's story definitely continues into Season Five. They've given no more details than that but they say their story will continue.

But even if they hadn't said that, it is just crystal clear that there is a huge amount to their story that hasn't been laid out. They set the two of them up as a fated couple and laid over tons of symbolism and references. You never, ever set something up like that and not develop it.

But forget the jerkwads who yelping for Chuck to continue to abuse Blair. Fans really reacted negatively to that and showed it less by yelling about it than by simply ceasing to watch the show. I keep repeating this but it is an incredibly graphic illustration of how reenergized fand are by Blair and Dan: since Dan and Blair kissed, ONE THIRD OF ALL THE POSTS ever on this thread have been made. One third. I mean, this thread was started before the show began and the page count was at around 420 when Blair and Dan kissed. Now the thread, after only five weeks, is at almost 630.

And this site is not the exception. All the sites are this crazed about the show. The sssss(h)ite even is in a state of frenzy, since they sense a fundamental change is taking place, and it scares the bejeezus out of their Chuckoholic pea brains.

The producers all are aware of this. The network execs are all aware of it.

The fanbase has NEVER been this interested in the show. And if the ratings are up to any signficant degree on Monday, it is the absolute end of Chair. The pairing of those two were part of a series of problems on the show that were causing the show to hemorrhage viewers. They HAD to shake things up because they were working with a formula that wasn't working. And the sssss(h)ite can complain as loudly as they want, but you simply can't stick with a losing formula. Plus, you can tell they like writing Dan and Blair more than Chuck and anyone.

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:34 | Сообщение # 2503
High Society
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Blair is not unique in the fact that she's an intelligent woman who falls victim to these black holes of autonomy and dignity. It really worries me that there are fan bases of young women rabidly supporting these kinds of obsessive, codependent, unhealthy relationships. I hope that they realize that some of these so-called "epic" romances they ship are actually epically!toxic before any harm is done in real life. Your boyfriend should not treat you that way and you should DTMFA in a Dan-Savage-minute if he does. I really hope that Blair learns this lesson (eventually - I have to hold out hope or this show is done for me for good) and that it teaches at least some of the show's fans as well.

Это правда!
Love how Chuck & Blair fans think @Bart150 tweets are rude & unprofessional yet they have no problem tweeting death threats 2 Josh & company

Let's attack the man for having an opinion! How dare he? I'm just glad that he doesn't feel the need to pander to the Chair fans. That makes me respect him so much.

Of course, if he had been openly praising Chair, all the Chair fans would be throwing it in our faces with, "He's a writer he's clearly a Chair fan, he clearly is going to put Chair together. Dair is going to die, because he loves Chair!" But nope, other way around and he's just rude and unprofessional.

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:41 | Сообщение # 2504
High Society
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yakakos, ты в группу вступил?) сначалаа вступи а потом можно будет подпись вставлять))

-C-Дата: Пятница, 15.04.2011, 22:42 | Сообщение # 2505
High Society
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LANa4713, ну это еще судя по всему, все еще может очень даже измениться, хотя бы намеки бы помогли))
