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Что пишут? (часть 2)
Cyon80Дата: Воскресенье, 23.10.2011, 16:25 | Сообщение # 256
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Статус: Offline - Photos of The CW's Hottest Guys. You're Welcome.

While The CW has made its name producing wonderfully addictive, soapy dramas, the network is also known for the incredible attractiveness of all the PYTs it casts. Think about it: Have you ever seen an un-hot person on that channel? (That's our new PC term for ugly.) The answer is no, you have not.

Therefore, in the interest of journalism -- obviously we do this for you, readers -- we perused the photo galleries on the network's press site to for photo evidence of the aforementioned hypothesis. In other words, we found the drool-worthiest snapshots of The CW's many muscle-bound men and put them in a gallery for us you to enjoy.

It's a hard job, but somebody's gotta do it. Again, you're welcome.

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
Cyon80Дата: Вторник, 25.10.2011, 14:32 | Сообщение # 257
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 1199
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Статус: Offline - ‘Gossip Girl’ Recap: Serena Confesses Her Love To Dan, Plus More ‘OMG’ Moments! - Blair Will Make A ‘Great Mom,’ Says ‘Gossip Girl’ Baby Daddy!

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
felice_cieloДата: Вторник, 25.10.2011, 20:43 | Сообщение # 258
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Статус: Offline
'Gossip Girl' Season 5, Episode 5 Recap: Top 5 OMG Moments
Ed Westwick Stands On A Street Corner In Manhattan

Сообщение отредактировал felice_cielo - Вторник, 25.10.2011, 20:57
BronzeДата: Среда, 26.10.2011, 02:51 | Сообщение # 259
High Society
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Статус: Offline

Blake Lively Breaks From Her Ryan Time For a Return to Gossip Girl

Blake Lively broke from celebrating Ryan Reynolds's birthday to join her Gossip Girl costar Leighton Meester on the NYC set of Gossip Girl today. The blond actress had been in Boston over the weekend to mark her new man's big day. Blake covered her dog Penny in balloons as a special treat for Ryan's 35th, sending the pup out on to his R.I.P.D. set as a surprise. Things with Blake and her Green Lantern costar Ryan seem to be going well, as they're spending as many weekends together in Massachusetts as they can between their shooting schedules. Leighton and Blake had the company of their small screen guy friends this morning, though, since Ed Westwick and Penn Badgley also reported for a stint in front of the cameras. The gang is working hard to make sure the new season of Gossip Girl is packed with all the OMG moments we've come to expect.

Cyon80Дата: Среда, 26.10.2011, 03:16 | Сообщение # 260
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 1199
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Статус: Offline - 5x05 The Fasting and the Furious образы и стиль

В каждом сезоне, есть проходные эпизоды. Затишье перед бурей, на доске расставляются фигуры, готовится игра. Таким эпизодом стал The Fasting and the Furious. И пока принцы маниакально выслеживают в Интернете бывших мужчин своих невест, мы поговорим о стиле и образах 5 эпизода.

Начнем с Бэмби, вы не ослышались, я опять ее так называю. Почему? В этом эпизоде она, больше обычного, была похожа на олененка. на прекрасного и такого милого олененка.

Посмотрите на нее, она великолепна.

Правда у нее есть проблемы с образом. У меня сложилось впечатление, что подбором топа и брюк занимались разные стилисты, иначе как объяснить, то, что этот великолепный топ от Дольче и Габана, дополнен этими брюками. Они так испортили фигуру Лейтон.

Но топ великолепен, как и макияж Блер в этом эпизоде. Даже волосы кажется начали приобретать хоть какую-то форму. Ну как говорится не все сразу.

Макияж, это почти наша любимая Блер, аккуратные брови, яркие губы и такая нежная кожа. Я почти понимаю, Луи, даже с секретами по всем шкафам и ящикам, Блер Уолдорф достойна быть принцессой.

А в этом платье от Виктории Бекхэм она была настоящей королевой вечера. Мне нравятся платья Виктории, на них можно смотреть бесконечно. При всей их простоте они имеют множество изюминок.

Посмотрите как подчеркнута талия этой кокетливой двойной юбкой.

А как великолепно выполнены бретели. Этот образ на мой взгляд лучший в этом эпизоде.

Когда она выглядит так, нашей Бэмби можно простить, что она с неправильным принцем.

Серена, как всегда полна противоречий. Ее одежда в этом эпизоде просто кричала об этом.

Я считаю, что Блейк невероятно идут образы 70-х, такие , немного растрепанные волосы, крупные браслеты. И кстати этот оттенок бирюзы, на ее топе. Даже эти блестящие пайетки идут нашей S.

Но эта юбка, ее длинна...

карманы и сочетание с этим топом, просто провал. Не спасают ситуации, даже длинные и в общем то красивые ноги Блейк.

Я обожаю Келли, ее повседневный стиль, мой фаворит, среди взрослых персонажей кино индустрии. В GG тоже всячески подчеркивают ее природное обаяние и это меня всегда радует. Симпатичная блузка, и строго и мило одновременно.

А ее платье цвета молодой травы, так освежающе смотрелось на фоне мрачноватого интерьера апартаментов Уолдорф.

Заметили сумочку в руках Лили? Я конечно понимаю, что это Дольче и Габбана, но вокруг ведь только респектабельные еврейские кланы и семья Гримальди, неужели ее нельзя оставить где-нибудь. Кроме этого, забавного ляпа, все было хорошо со старшей Ван дер Вудсен.

Ну и о сладеньком...

Мужчина, который ходит прогуливать собаку в костюме от Бриони, может быть только Бассом, Чаком Бассом. Галстук. Я почти жалею, что не парень и не могу носить такое великолепие. А этот цвет. Ему даже на нужно делать так бровями, мы и так уже растаяли.

И да, этот подарок припоздал на сезон другой, раньше у него была, та с кем можно так пошутить, теперь попытка Хамфри, загладить вину, пригодится только Манки. Рубашка Бруклина? Мне кажется дело в Пене. Простите поклонницы, но я с трудом представляю, образ который может спасти это бедствие со стрижкой... Хотя, может просто сложно увидеть сексуальность Пена, кода рядом в кадре Эд.

Да, я именно об этом. Даже кривоватые ноги странной докторши не могут отвлечь внимание от такого взгляда.

Из персонажей второго плана обратила ни себя внимание Александра. Вернее ее блузка. Очень гармоничный образ.

Еще Софи. Обратите внимание на ее украшения в этом эпизоде. Что скажешь. Она герцогиня.

Похоже, нас ожидает недельный перерыв в GG, и следующий раз мы увидим Верхний Ист-Сайд только 7 ноября. 6 эпизод, тот, что перед 7, пересмотрите седьмые эпизоды, предыдущих сезонов, и поймете, что именно я жду...

В лучшее верится.

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
Cyon80Дата: Среда, 26.10.2011, 03:23 | Сообщение # 261
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Статус: Offline

Так, для веселья

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
Cyon80Дата: Среда, 26.10.2011, 03:24 | Сообщение # 262
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Статус: Offline - Голливудская актриса Блейк Лавли решила заглянуть в будущее.

Блейк Лавли приобрела широкую известность благодаря своей работе в сериале «Сплетница». А не так давно о Лавли стали очень много писать в прессе в связи с ее новым романом.

Избранником Блейк оказался 35-летний голливудский красавчик Леонардо Ди Каприо. Звезда «Титаника» до Блейк длительное время встречался с топ-моделями, но они бросали его всякий раз, когда убеждались, что Лео не собирается звать их замуж.

Роман с Блейк у Ди Каприо выдался самым бурным. Увы, даже этой красивой актрисе не удалось привести Ди Каприо к алтарю. Не так давно молодые люди расстались, и Лавли снова оказалась одна.

Возможно, именно это заставило девушку обратиться к услугам профессиональной гадалки. Американская звезда приехала в Париж, где посетила знаменитый Музей Мадам Тюссо, где выставлены восковые фигуры многих знаменитостей, включая и самого Леонардо Ди Каприо.

Блейк погуляла по музею, а затем пошла на сеанс к гадалке. Та заглянула в будущее Лавли с помощью карт Таро. Какой именно прогноз дала актрисе гадалка, неизвестно. Но известно, что Блейк вышла из музея в очень хорошем настроении.

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
Cyon80Дата: Среда, 26.10.2011, 14:02 | Сообщение # 263
Группа: Проверенные
Сообщений: 1199
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Статус: Offline - Gossip Girl Round Table: "The Fasting and the Furious"

Welcome to another Gossip Girl Round Table discussion! Below, our panel breaks down the most recent episode (see our official review from Monday night) of our favorite show in detail.

Below, TV Fanatic CEO Eric Hochberger (Gossip Guy), editor Steve Marsi (Mister Meester) and writers Courtney Morrison, Christina Tran and Leigh Raines discuss "The Fasting and the Furious."

Weigh in with your take on the following topics after reading ours!


What was your favorite quote from the episode?

Courtney: Definitely goes to Chuck after Dan gave him the dog collar: “I can think of a few girls who could look good in this.” Classic Basshole.

Christina: I loved when Serena’s boss cleverly called Dan “Dan F. Scott Fitzjackass.” Then again, I’m a fan of The Great Gatsby and appreciated such mentions as Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan.

Leigh: I'm going with a serious one this week despite Nate and Chuck's banter about how Nate speaks "Old Lady." Chuck new psych: "You never had a childhood so you behave like a child in the worst ways." WOW, calling it like it is on her very first appearance on the UES! I heart Chuck but it's about time he got some therapy.

Steve: I'll go the cheesy route and choose the heart-to-heart between Blair and her mom, and Serena confessing her feelings for Dan. Who knew Gossip Girl could make the room so dusty ...

Eric: Pretty much every word out of the exchange between Dan and Chuck. I once thought there could be no better banter than Dair, but then I met Duck. "Well at least this time it's because they hate you and not because they don't know you exist." A wise sage, psychic and hilarious to boot. What's there not to love about Chuck?

Bigger stretch: Chuck and Louis talking to the same psychologist, Diana wreaking havoc at the Waldorfs with no one noticing, or Nate blinding trusting Ivy to put the files back?

Courtney: I'm going with Chuck and Louis talking to the same psychologist. She came out of nowhere and all of a sudden she is key in information for Louis and ready to help Chuck. Too much of a coincidence, even for Gossip Girl standards. Although Diana at the Waldorfs was a little extreme.

Christina: Diana wreaking havoc. If she was Nate’s +1, why didn’t anyone ever notice Nate was nowhere near her side?!

Leigh: Chuck and Louis talking to the same psychologist. This is Manhattan, there's more than enough therapists to go around. Also if she was in any way reputable she wouldn't see two patients who were a conflict of interest.

Steve: All good options, but what I found hardest to believe was Diana waltzing into a private family event, orchestrating those shenanigans and not arousing any suspicions. She's devious, but come on.

Eric: Nate. No matter how many seasons pass, I keep trying to give this guy credit as an intelligent human being. But seriously, you couldn't stick around for two minutes to watch someone you believe to be clinically insane put the files away? Yet you have hours to do your hair every morning? Not that I'm jealous...

Is this the beginning of the redemption of Chuck Bass?

Courtney: Chuck redeemed himself with me when he let Blair go, but hopefully this is the beginning of him coming around back to becoming a functioning person. He does need the help and if it helps him win Blair back, then Chuck Bass redemption is the way to go.

Christina: I’m not entirely certain, but if “the redemption of Chuck Bass” is needed in order to get Chair back together, I'm game.

Leigh: Yes, I kind of think it is. I don't think Chuck will shake all of his devious ways, and quite frankly he'd be boring if he did, but I think he'll get on a better path. Perhaps he'll be a little less masochistic.

Steve: Without question, something had to give with Chuck. He needs to step outside of his own head (and not in a drug-induced way) to see himself for who he really is. Hopefully this is the beginning of that process, whatever Eliza's true intentions may be. Only then can he be a better man.

Eric: No. Unfortunately this is the start of Louis and random dog-walking psychiatrist manipulation. Welcome to the manipulative UES, Louis. And welcome to having a personality. Possibly. That will be determined if my theory comes true.

Will Blair make a good mother?

Courtney: Absolutely, she wasn’t queen bee for no reason. This character is one that has truly grown over the past several seasons. The one-time scheming mastermind now cares about her family and friends and will care about this baby. Hey, she already sent in her sonogram to Constance/St. Judes. The girl knows what she’s doing.

Christina: Most definitely. With her experience with the minions and a mother like Eleanor, she’s got a stellar resume to be a good mother.

Leigh: I hate to say it, but Blair can barely take care of herself let alone a child. This kid has a chance if it's raised by Dorota. Otherwise all I can picture when I combine "Blair" with "Motherhood" is scenes from Mommie Dearest. Wire hangers everywhere.

Steve: Blair's flaws and poor decisions are too numerous to list, but she always means well and has strong maternal instincts. She's very young, but regardless of age, you're always ready and yet never ready to be a mother. Blair prides herself on being the best, and that should serve her well - whoever the father is. Plus, Eleanor is looking like a pretty strong role model for B in this department.

Eric: Of course. Did she not make a good mother to her minions in seasons past? Give the manipulative Queen B credit. She'll raise the perfect prince(ss).

Do you want Dan and Serena get back together?

Courtney: NO! Although these two were the heart of the show at one time, now it is just weird! Their parents are happily married and even though they are step-siblings, it’s still a little weird. Plus, Dan has built his own character, he is no longer Lonely Boy chasing after S. He deserves better. And Serena shouldn’t go after him for movie rights or because she’s jealous that Blair is the star of his book. There is a reason she isn’t.

Christina: Absolutely NOT. I’ve been over Derena ever since Rufus and Lily officially got back together.

Leigh: Yes! I still have faith in Derena. People love each other in spite of their flaws. They've still got the spark.

Steve: I loved Dan and Serena back in the day, and could feel that way again IF the relationship matures and is properly nurtured and developed by the writers. Part of the reason both Dair and Chair supporters are so passionate is that the characters really grew with each other believably over time - even if you're a Chair lover who hates Dair, you can't deny that and vice versa. I'll reserve judgment on Derena until we see where the next phase of their journey goes, although part of me thinks they are MFEO.

Eric: Oh no, I might lose my membership as official card-carrying member of the Dair shippers. But man, it was cute to see them revealing their feelings again. Plus it's been awhile since we've have some good incest on this show...

Who are the most underused and overused characters so far this season?

Courtney: Well Lily and Rufus fall into their own category, so if I’m picking out of the main characters, I’m going with Nate. Even though he has the storyline with Diana, he can do more. It’s admirable that he didn’t want to sell out his friends, but at least it would give him an interesting arc to go with. I mean, he was only half a character in Inside. That is saying something. Most overused? Ivy without a doubt. She is everywhere and is usually unnecessary. I miss the days when it was just about B, S, Lonely Boy, Nate the cougar-hunting pothead, and the incredible Chuck Bass.

Christina: Cyrus! I actually came across a rerun of Clueless this past weekend, and thought to myself how underused Cyrus was when watching all of Mr. Hall’s scenes. Are you reading my mind, Mysterious Question Giver? Overused: Ivy. I’m bored to tears of her already. How is she always anywhere and everywhere? She must have gotten tips from Vanessa.

Leigh: Overused: Beatrice. She's pretty but dull. Sorry but we already have someone in that role and his name is Nate. Underused: Cyrus. As he would say, "Not enough!!!"

Steve: Underused: Lily. Overused: Louis and his family. Courtney makes a great point about half-character Nate, however, and Eric's idea of the IUS may have to be implemented next time.

Eric: Underused? Cyrus. Man it was so great to have him back! I just want one of his signature hugs every time he's on screen! Overused? Ivy. She's the Vanessa of Season 5. IUS anyone?

What is Diana's connection to Bart?

Courtney: Best twist of the night, hands down. Maybe she is Chuck’s mother's sister coming to meet her nephew or she could be a former lover of Bart. I’m not really sure, but I’m willing to bet it will be juicy. And I can not wait. This should be the blast that puts Diana’s site on the map.

Christina: I’m thinking Diana is Chuck’s mom’s sister or for the sake of fewer words: Chuck's aunt! We should confirm with Lily, though. I’m curious to know why Bart would have a file on himself if he was investigating the family. Also, if that was really a picture of Diana, wouldn't Lily have recognized her by now?

Leigh: She probably banged him along with half the island of Manhattan. I'm thinking she was some lowly intern or something and he took advantage of her or they had some torrid love affair.

Steve: No idea, but if she has an ulterior, personal motive to infiltrate our UES crowd, that would at least make sense ... unlike the Spectator-Gossip Girl rivalry which sort of feels forced at times.

Eric: OMG, she's Chuck's incredibly hot mother. Mostly because I don't remember, did we ever learn conclusively that fraud Elizabeth or whatever was his mom?

What do you think? Sound off in the comments!

Steve Marsi is Managing Editor of TV Fanatic and resident expert on programs such as NCIS, Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Parks & Recreation, Gossip Girl and The Bachelorette. Email him.

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
MsSophiaДата: Среда, 26.10.2011, 14:22 | Сообщение # 264
High Society
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Статус: Offline
Quote (Cyon80)
Хотя, может просто сложно увидеть сексуальность Пена, кода рядом в кадре Эд.

это точно подмеченно... cool biggrin
Quote (Cyon80)
Похоже, нас ожидает недельный перерыв в GG, и следующий раз мы увидим Верхний Ист-Сайд только 7 ноября. 6 эпизод, тот, что перед 7, пересмотрите седьмые эпизоды, предыдущих сезонов, и поймете, что именно я жду...

все и так прекрасно понимаем, сами по этому же поводу и ждем) cool cool cool
Cyon80Дата: Понедельник, 31.10.2011, 17:10 | Сообщение # 265
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Сообщений: 1199
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Статус: Offline - Leighton Meester - Set of Gossip Girl - NYC - 28/10/11 (HQ) adds

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
Cyon80Дата: Среда, 02.11.2011, 14:30 | Сообщение # 266
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Статус: Offline - New 'Gossip Girl' Preview: Louis Finds the Paternity Test, Wants to Destroy Chuck

Blair looks worried now that her fiance might have known the real father of her baby, while Chuck realizes he is in trouble since the prince of Monaco wants to find 'his fuse and light it.'

The next episode of "Gossip Girl" may shed light on whether or not Blair is lying about her baby's father. Louis, whom she claims to be fathering her not-yet-born child, will get his hand on the paternity test and he does not look happy when telling Queen B about it.

Chuck is not safe either since Louis has a wicked plan for him. The prince of Monaco sends someone to find Chuck's fuse and light it as he calls Blair's former love interest "a time bomb." Meanwhile, Chuck who is not over yet with her feeling for Blair will once again try to woo her back by declaring his love for her.

Titled "I Am Number Nine", the next episode of "Gossip Girl" will air Monday, November 7 at 8/7c on The CW. Also in the same outing, Blair makes all of her former minions and Charlie compete to secure the coveted bridesmaid spots in her upcoming royal wedding.

In related news, executive producer Josh Safran has confirmed that Michelle Trachtenberg will return as Georgina for a pivotal arc. The show's boss tells TVLine, "Her arc is unlike anything that she has done before on the show. Of course, she still is Georgina and all that implies, it's just taking that in a new direction."

For her sixth return, Trachtenberg will first appear in the 100th episode of the drama series. Set to air in early 2012, the said outing will also feature [SPOILER ALERT!] Blair and Louis' "big and lavish and twist and juicy" nuptials.

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
BronzeДата: Среда, 02.11.2011, 20:31 | Сообщение # 267
High Society
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Zoe Kravitz: Penn Badgley Birthday Stroll!

Zoe Kravitz takes her boyfriend, Gossip Girl hunk Penn Badgley, out for a romantic stroll to celebrate his 25th birthday in New York City on Tuesday (November 1).

Last week, the happy couple were spotted sipping lattes and outside Atlas cafe in the East Village.

Zoe, 22, and Gabourey Sidibe will next star in the drama Yelling to the Sky, the directorial debut of actress Victoria Mahoney. The flick, out Spring 2012, centers on a 17-year-old girl (Kravitz) who must fend for her herself in a tough neighborhood when her family falls apart.

Happy Birthday, Penn!!!

барышняДата: Четверг, 03.11.2011, 01:46 | Сообщение # 268
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Вот отнести эту новость к сериалу можно только косвенно, но все же - попалось на глаза и так стало навевать мне разные мысли

Вручение награды Принцессы Грейс 2011.

Вот смотрим как принц одет и как Шарлин выглядит и с кем они общаются. Между прочим платье на ней - Кристиан Диор, осень 2011. Кому еще хочется деталей - смотрим здесь

Плесень размножается спорами...Не спорьте с плесенью :)))))

Сообщение отредактировал барышня - Четверг, 03.11.2011, 01:48
Cyon80Дата: Воскресенье, 06.11.2011, 04:06 | Сообщение # 269
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Статус: Offline - 'Gossip Girl' CD David Rapaport Discusses How He Finds New Faces

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
BronzeДата: Понедельник, 07.11.2011, 23:02 | Сообщение # 270
High Society
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Chuck and Blair Hook Up in a Limo in Gossip Girl Season 1: Episode 7 "Victor, Victrola" [VIDEO] Happy Limoversary!

November 7, 2011 marks exactly 4 years since Gossip Girl Season 1: Episode 7 "Victor, Victrola" — when Chuck and Blair first had that imfamous limo scene. What's the best way to celebrate the limoversary? Why, watching this clip over and over and over again, of course!
