1. 3,5 сезона отношений 2. Несмотря на все проблемы и передряги,они возвращялись к исходной точке в своих отношениях 3. Они всегда поддерживают друг друга в трудную минуту,и часто помогают решить их проблемы 4. На паре ЧБ держится вся сюжетная линия сериала (: 5. После такого эффектного завершения 4 сезона, сценаристы просто обязани осуществить Happy End for Chair and us )
1.Это единственная более или менее стабильная пара. 2.Они похоже и различны одновременно. В итоге, как сказала Серена: Два больших минуса, дают огромный плюс! 3.Такую сильную и взбалмошную девушку как Блэр не устроит никто кроме Чака, способного выносить ее капризы и продолжать любить и боготворить. 4.Такого бабника как Чак Басс не удержит не одна девушка кроме Блэр, способной любить даже его самые страшные и темные стороны. 5.И главное: ОНИ НЕИЗБЕЖНЫ!!!!!!!!!!!
Сообщение отредактировал ShenanK - Пятница, 29.07.2011, 14:00
хотя в последнее время я и перестала быть абсолютной поклонницей этой пары, тем не менее я знаю 5 причин почему они будут вместе))) 1) они уже слишком много друг другу дали и слишком много отобрали друг у друга, чтобы остановится на 4.22 и попытаться найти свое счастье с другими 2) слишком одинаково эгоистичны, слишком любят друг друга, слишком уж их заносит, когда они не вместе, и наконец - они слишком похожи в своих желания и стремлениях, в своем образе жизни, а что бы и кто бы сейчас не говорил, но противоположности не могут составить идеальную пару, они притягиваются только на время, а потом расходятся как разные полюса магнита, а Чак и Би - это не просто два идеальных сапога в паре, это "два сапога на одну ногу" 3) если они расстанутся, то сериал потеряет свое очарование и притягательность 4) в конце концов, кольцо от Гарри Винстона уже должно быть засвечено в сериале не только в эффектной коробочке, но и на пальце его хозяйки 5) и наконец, они просто очень эффектно смотрятся вместе (я уже молчу про их постоянно перекликающиеся наряды)
Сообщение отредактировал margosha2476 - Пятница, 29.07.2011, 21:37
1) Chair – это главная «изюминка» сериала, их сложные характеры, запутанные, страстные и в тоже время нежные отношения, уже 4 года притягивали и будут притягивать внимание большинства зрителей [плюс, Чак и Блэр вошли в TOP-20 Лучших пар в истории телевидения] 2) Любовь Чака и Блэр создавалась с самого первого сезона, постепенно, с сезона в сезон их отношения переходят на новый уровень. А финалах каждого сезона основной сюжет и его развязка связана именно с этой парой [плюс, в финалах всегда звучит фраза, подтверждающая их любовь друг к другу: Чак "I loved her..." (1x18), Блэр "I love you" и Чак “I love you too” (2x25), Блэр “… because I love you” (3x22), Чак и Блэр “I will always love you” (4x22)] 3) Чак и Блэр – Король и Королева Верхнего Ист Сайда, Манхеттена, а вскоре и всего Нью-Йорка. Вместе они непобедимы (с) 4) Чак и Блэр, недоверчивые и закрытые для окружающих, могут быть по-настоящему искренними и ранимыми только друг с другом. 5) Чак и Блэр – магниты, их постоянно притягивает и влечет друг к другу (с) Где бы они ни были, судьба все равно сведет их вместе.
Сообщение отредактировал Ольга91 - Пятница, 29.07.2011, 16:53
Спасибо за темку!!!!ТО,ЧТО ВСЕМ НАМ СЕЙЧАС НЕОБХОДИМО!!! :) 5 ПРИЧИН 1)На ЧБ держится весь сериал!!!!Это то,из-за чего многие фанаты до сих пор смотрят Сплетницу!!Костяк всего сериала,можно так сказать. 2)Коммерческий успех сериала также находится в зависимости от ЧБ.Мы смотрим,потому что верим. 3)Отношения ЧБ настоящие,реальные...Их любовь"великая,всепоглощающая"...Это уже именно любовь,а не простая влюблённость...И мы видели всю эволюцию,все этапы в развитии этой влюблённости,превращении её в ЛЮБОВЬ. 4)В сериале с таким названием просто обязана быть на протяжении всех сезонов пара,такая как ЧБ,сумасшедшие влюблённые ,увлечённые делом,интриганы,с острым умом и языками! 5)Чак и Блэр всё ещё любят друг друга !!!Это очевидно!!А раз людям суждено быть вместе,то они найдут способ соединиться!!!Они созданы друг для друга!!!ОНи такие разные,в то же время такие похожие...Они понимают друг друга как никто другой...Глядя на них,понимаешь,что это очень гармоничная во всех отношениях пара:стиль,одежда ,убеждения,любовь безумная...Они "2 магнита",гигантские ...Они,действительно пара,интересная,совсем не банальная...Они дарят надежду на существование и жизнь такой всепобеждающей любви!!! Их отношения длятся где-то 3,5 года...Значит,по законам психологии,от этих отношений можно отойти минимум через половину этого срока...А тогда,чтобы всё было как у людей,сезонов не хватит... У них будут детишки и им надо их воспитывать!!!! P.S.Когда они вместе,они непобедимы.... The great loves are the crazy ones...
Сообщение отредактировал Olivia-Blair - Пятница, 29.07.2011, 21:35
Спасибо за тему)) Я чуть-чуть от нее отступлю, напишу больше чем 5 причин. Просто нашла то, что соответствует моему представлению об этой паре.
Because they pwn matching clothes without looking ridiculous/creepy. Because they don’t need creepy manips. Because she’ll stand by him through anything. Because somehow two wrongs make a twisted right. Because when they aren’t together, they’re still pining for each other. Because Chuck asked her “Are you sure?” Because he knows her better than he knows himself. Because their first kiss wasn’t a freeze-frame. It was beyond fireworks. Because in spite of everything worth the waiting for this love. Because Chuck loves all sides of Blair, dark and light. Because in the face of true love, you don’t just give up. Because they’re not perfect, but they are perfect for each other Because it took Chuck 2 Seasons to tell Blair that he loves her, just to make sure not to hurt her. Because he put his own feelings back for her because he wanted her to be happy. Because even Serena and Nate know that Chuck and Blair are meant to be. Because they are the perfect partner for their evil plans. Because she stood by him through the death of his father and his mother leaving him. Because Blair will always be his Family. Because when Blair was asked if she had her first time with someone she loved, she said yes. Because Chuck always wants Blair to have a perfect life.
Ох,причин на самом деле уйма,ну напишу 5: 1.Они любят друг друга,по настоящему,мы наблюдаем это на протяжении 4 сезонов,и просто забыть об этом?Нет ЧБ-эндгейм и никак иначе! 2.Они просто обязаны быть вместе для поддержания рейтингов сериала,ведь все прекрасно понимаем не будет ЧБ не будет больше половины зрителей. 3.Они действительно созданы друг для друга и именно поэтому они так или иначе возвращаются друг к другу. 4.Они всегда поддерживают друг друга и даже не будучи парой остаются друзьями и возможно сами того не осознавая бегут на помощь друг к другу.Их любовь можно сказать проверенна временем они многое прошли вместе. 5.Ну и в конце концов BABY BASS!Это будет самый любимый и обожаемый,самый красивый и избалованный и самый долгожданный ребёнок!!ЧБ будут потрясающими родителями!
Сообщение отредактировал IrЭn - Суббота, 30.07.2011, 16:57
1. Они любят друг друга! 2. Они просто обязаны быть вместе! 3. Они столько всего пережили, и как говорила Джорджи в 3 сезоне "... с тем с кем у тебя есть история" 4. Если они не будут вместе все Чейровцы либо повесятся либо прикончат сценаристов ГГ! 5. Это самая офигенная пара всех времён и народов! ХД
. Если они не будут вместе все Чейровцы либо повесятся либо прикончат сценаристов ГГ!
Я предпочитаю последнее. Только, чур, мучительно и долго!
Quote (Bronze)
Because Blair will always be his Family.
А вот это уже не исправить! Блэр сама так сказала, так что теперь, хочет она этого или нет, а придется держать свое слово! И что-то подсказывает мне, что Луи такие «родственные связи» с Чаком не нужны! Так что... Прости Ваше высочество, но Вам пора!
1. Их любовь - великая любовь, сумасшедшая, такая, о какой они оба всегда мечтали. 2. Они понимают друг друга без слов. Они читают эмоции и чувства друг друга без слов просто глядя в глаза, а это очень важно в отношениях. 3. Он раз за разом, через все преграды притягиваются к друг другу как магниты. 4. Они способны утешить и поддержать друг друга, ободрить и заверить в исключительности. 5. Они умеют прощать. Какие бы ошибки они не совершили, они способны простить друг друга, способны принять самую тёмную сторону друг друга и полюбить эту тёмную сторону, как и всё остальное.
Ну и они Чак и Блэр, Блэр и Чак. Они созданы друг для друга И да,сценаристов прикончат, если они уничтожат эту связь, эту любовь.
Сообщение отредактировал Машуня - Вторник, 02.08.2011, 00:59
1. Потому,что они любят друг друга 2. Потому что они знают все друг о друге 3. Потому что они любят интриги 4. У них много общего 5. Они не могут друг без друга,а когда они вместе-весь мир у их ног Секундочку, секундочку, корону поправлю!!!
1. Сами Лейтон и Эд поддерживают Чака и Блэр. Во многих интервью они говорили, что сами являются фанатами этой пары. 2. Они единствееная пара, отношения которой продлились больше одного сезона. 3. Чак и Блэр - любтимцы публики, как ни крути... Думаю все помнят, как начались падения рейтингов после 4х09, когда между ними вообще ничего не было... 4. I will always love you... Эм, always и подразумевает эндгейм. Да и к тому же толтко Блэр могла заставить Чака сказать эти слова. И такие слова из её уст всегда звучали правдиво только для него. 5. Они Чак и Блэр, Блэр и Чак. What they have is a great love. Their love is comlicated, intense, all-consuming. No matter what they do, and how much we fight it always pull them in in. Чак всегда найдёт поодержку у Блэр, Блэр у Чака. Они никогда друг друга не забудут. ОНИ ЛЮБЯТ ДРУГ ДРУГА в конце концов!!!
1. Because they’re Blair and Chuck, Chuck and Blair. 2. Because butterflies. Enough said. 3. Because Chuck asked her “Are you sure?” 4. Because one day she will be his wife. 5. Because “I’ll stand by you through anything” 6. Because he got inspired by looking into her eyes. 7. Because their outfits match. 8. Because she brings out the best in him and he brings out the worst in her. 9. Because they have tonight. 10. Because he knows she is not some delicate little flower. 11. Because their children would be the best dressed. 12. Because she was all he could think about all summer. 13. Because “3 words, 8 letters”. 14. Because the thought of her and Nate made him sick. 15. Because “we’re inevitable Waldorf”. 16. Because she’ll never be just another girl to him. 17. Because she has an itch only he can scratch. 18. Because he’d rather wait than to screw it up. 19. Because they are going to go to the movies and hold hands, and they’ll be awesome doing it. 20. Because "define like". 21. Because he really is sorry. 22. Because of the hugs. 23. Because amid all the fireworks on Bastille Day all Blair could see was Chuck. 24. Because when he didn’t say it she wanted to die. 25. Because she is wearing revealing dresses for him, even though it’s not her style. 26. Because when she abandoned her two dads before Labor Day, gossip girl bet that Chuck Bass wanted to know why. 27. Because Chuck doesn’t want Blair throwing her call boy in his face. 28. Because he will pretend she’s Blair. 29. Because he just wanted Dorota to get some secrets about Blair out of her. 30. Because he bought her the Erickson Beamon necklace- “Something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of it's beauty" 31. Because Blair doesn’t belong with Nate. “Never have, never will.” 32. Because he looked back both times after they fought and she walked away. 1X13 and 2×08 33. Because she so wants the devil to come collect. 34. Because the first time Chuck looked in the mirror the whole summer was right before Blair arrived on the jitney. 35. Because she’ll always be there for him because she cares. 36. Because he brought her flowers to apologize…three times. 37. Because he knows what that pin means to her and one day it will end up on his sleeve and stay there forever. 38. Because she’s just an accessory on the prince’s arm, but on Chuck she will be so much more. 39. Because he so craved his best friend’s girl. 40. Because if he was her man he wouldn't need clues to find her, or ravish her. 41. Because she is wearing the necklace even though he isn’t her date. 42. Because the limo is sacred. 43. Because “8 letters, 3 syllables. Say it and I’m yours.” 44. Because she was amazing up there. 45. Because for her, Chuck would do anything. 46. Because Chuck has never chosen Serena over her. (Like Nate did) 47. Because he distracted himself all summer hoping he wouldn’t feel it….but he still does. 48. Because he is amazed by the fire below her cool exterior. 49. Because no one enjoys their first time, except Blair. 50. Because “someone loves Chuck Bass.” And that some one is Blair Waldorf. 51. Because “please don’t leave with him.”. 52. Because he was afraid that she would “see him” if they spent the summer together. 53. Because she was down right maternal. 54. Because she isn’t going anywhere. 55. Because she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Nobody else! 56. Because he crashed her mom’s wedding. 57. Because in the face of true love you don’t give up even if the object of your affection is begging you to. 58. Because she ruined his pants. 59. Because she doesn’t mind if he leaves the scarf on. 60. Because Blair loves a limo. 61. Because “if you thought that was long, you have no idea what you’re in for.” 62. Because he put the blanket over her, before he left. 63. Because Chuck would love to give Blair a ride. 64. Because he loves it when she talks dirty. 65. Because he knows her better than anyone else. 66. Because Chuck Bass is a romantic and Blair knows and that’s all that matters. 67. Because her dirty dreams are about Chuck. 68. Because he told her to shut up and dance with him. 69. Because he is the only one who admires her for knowing how to use people. 70. Because Chuck’s type are brunettes with big brown eyes. 71. Because she absolutely loves him wearing purple. 72. Because their dopplgangers were canal street knock offs of each other. 73. Because he took what she kept throwing at Nate, and Nate kept throwing back. 74. Because he would match his bow tie with her headband. 75. Because she needed someone and he was there. 76. Because they have amazing eye sex. 77. Because before they hooked up he was a good friend to her. 78. Because he became better for her. 79. Because Chuck saw the heart pin on Marcus’ sleeve and was devastated. 80. Because she knew exactly who it was. 81. Because they did update his software over the summer. 82. Because they both have an appetite for destruction. (The Wild Brunch) 83. Because she is his toughest critic. 84. Because he makes her feel alive. 85. Because he was honored to play a “small” role in her deflowering. 86. Because he keeps replaying her purring in his ear…over and over. 87. Because he sounds like a jealous boyfriend. 88. Because Blair tamed the UES bad boy. 89. Because all she could think about all summer was Chuck Basstard. 90. Because she looked for him even though he asked her not to. 91. Because “the girlfriend and the best friend” is so classy. 92. Because he would never just use her as draino. 93. Because she’s the best he ever had. 94. Because she said he is disgusting, and hates him…but still held his hand. 95. Because he brings her in such a relaxed mood that she is wearing pants. 96. Because, let’s be honest, they are the hottest thing ever seen on T.V. 97. Because when he whispers in her ear her eyes roll in the back of her head. 98. Because the Arabian horses of his father were not only sweaty, but beautiful too. 99. Because Chuck never judged Blair. 100. Because they are themselves around each other. 101. Because she knows the neck is his kryptonite. 102. Because they’re both beautifully flawed people. 103. Because he knew that the Lord couldn’t satisfy her needs. 104. Because he makes her blood boil. 105. Because he feels something in his stomach. Fluttering. 106. Because she didn’t do it only for revenge. 107. Because he was there for her on her birthday when Nate didn’t even call. 108. Because if she wanted to play rough all she had to do was ask. 109. Because she just held him in her arms, when he needed it the most. 110. Because he thinks she deserves better, but she deserves him. 111. Because she’ll give him the family he always wanted. 112. Because “Goodnight Chuck, good night Blair.” Enough said. 113. Because its Chuck who makes her sweat, & its him she thinks about in bed. 114. Because he’s got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better ****. 115. Because he can always tell when she’s lying. 116. Because you feel the emotion between them even without words. 117. Because she couldn’t even stand the thought of him sleeping with Vanessa. 118. Because she never did it for Chuck. 119. Because she will never let go of her fantasies. 120. Because of the look on his face when he saw her kissing Lord on her stairs. 121. Because he wanted to take it slow, do it right. 122. Because Blair is the only girl he will pursue. 123. Because he does belong with someone-with her. 124. Because the best scene in 2×16 is when Blair runs past Chuck, and they don’t see each other. 125. Because he wouldn’t change them, not if it meant losing what they have. 126. Because he feels at home in her place. 127. Because she’s Audrey and he’s her Gregory Peck. 128. Because she believes in him. 129. Because he is the best one to find out why Blair is so happy and glowing. 130. Because they torture each other and find pleasure in doing it. 131. Because she couldn’t stop giggling at Chuck’s text messages when she was with Nate. 132. Because they were amazing, funny, and witty together even before Victor/Victrola. 133. Because VICTROLA was the best night of his life! 134. Because he has never felt this way about a girl before. 135. Because she wold grace him with a dance again-anytime. 136. Because they’ve both held each other through the night. 137. Because it’s not a game anymore. 138. Because he still has the scars on his back. 139. Because he wants her to save him a dance. 140. Because she watched him sleep. 141. Because when they are scheming together, their friends don’t need armies. 142. Because he touched her belly when he thought she was pregnant. 143. Because she physically abuse him, and he loves it. 144. Because he lied when he said he didn’t want her anymore. 145. Because of his facial expression when he saw Nate and her after the débutante ball. 146. Because she will stick her fingers down his throat, and hold back his hair. 147. Because she’s all he has left. 148. Because he didn’t tell Nate when they were in Monaco. 149. Because he wanted to say I love you back. (LOOK AT HIS FACE!) 150. Because he admitted his feelings to Nate. 151. Because they are the best part of the non-judging breakfast club. 152. Because he let her see him cry. 153. Because they have come so far, not just as a couple, but as people. 154. Because “they’re a couple you can root for”. 155. Because they had sex in the back of his limo. Several times. 156. Because if he’d had to pick between her and Nate, he’d pick her-always! 157. Because just because they can’t say those three words, doesn’t mean they aren’t true. 158. Because he had tears in his eyes. See number 157. 159. Because he filled her in about Nate and Serena later-but not with words. 160. Because we have impure thoughts about them together, not just about him. We're so sick. 161. Because a drama queen and a boy boy are a perfect match. 162. Because Chuck and Blair clothed is way hotter than any half nudity on this show. 163. Because they are so amazing that they inspired a group of people to actually make a list of reasons why they are so amazing. 164. Because Darena and Natessa fans are so jealous because their couples aren’t as epic as Chair. 165. Because she smiled in her sleep while he was sleeping next to her. 166. Because he thinks she’s ten times hotter than any other girls. 167. Because he isn’t sorry for falling in love with her. 168. Because he left the country after Blair got back together with Nate. 169. Because even OTH fans signed the Chuck&Blair petition. 170. Because Chuck is worthy of Blair’s forgiveness. 171. Because the Chairless episodes have the lower ratings. 172. Because he’s Chuck Bass. 173. Because he came to a Brooklyn rooftop just to hear her say “I love you.” 174. Because Blair is queen and Chuck is king. 175. Because even Nate and Marcus thinks they deserve each other. 176. Because when Chuck told her that Vanessa really got underneath her skin, she asked him, “But will you?” 177. Because he couldn’t sleep or eat. 178. Because Chuck wasn’t the only one that lost someone they loved. 179. Because Chuck didn’t murder the butterflies. 180. Because they both knew Blair would do it again, the only question was when. 181. Because Chuck asked Blair to be at his father’s will reading. 182. Because in “The wild brunch” Nate seemed like the third wheel next to Chuck and Blair (look at their clothes). 183. Because he said she can pay him another time and, oh, she did. 184. Because he guarded her drink. 185. Because they held hands in the limo. 186. Because he was uninvited but still showed up. 187. Because at her birthday party she did it because she wanted to not because she lost the wager. 188. Because he kissed her shoulder and Chuck Bass doesn’t do that. 189. Because she straightened his bow tie. (his father’s wedding) 190. Because she wanted to frisk him. 191. Because Chuck knows her favorite movies. 192. Because “you know it’s love when you start talking like an assassin” 193. Because he dethroned a queen, created a monster (Serena), indirectly “mutilated” a girl’s hair and social destructed downer Dan just so he could have Blair. 194. Because he would rather talk about who Blair lost hers to. 195. Because, yes, we do imagine Chuck spending his days at the office and coming home to the wife (Blair). 196. Because she says “I’m done” but she wants him to fight for her. 197. Because when they touch, we all shiver. 198. Because “He’s taken, shoo”. That’s all. 199. Because she asked “who are you?” but she meant “I want my Chuck back” 200. Because she knows every inch of his waver thin soul. 201. Because they both know that she is his one and only. 202. Because he lost something nobody ever knew he had…his heart. 203. Because what happens at Victrola, stays at Victrola! 204. Because he enjoyed the removal of a certain chasity belt in the back of his limo. 205. Because she had no one to turn to but him. 206.Because he was the one who has sealed the deal with Blair and he didn’t even have to smoke her up. 207. Because they have websites dedicated to them. 208. Because she knows he has a thing for rooftops. 209. Because he was losing sleep thinking about her. 210. Because of the tears in their eyes when they talked in the Hamptons. 211 . Because Chuck was concerned about Marcus lying to Blair on what college he goes to. 212. Because even Harold is on Team Chair. (In “2×16 Harold asked if Chuck was joining them at the opera.) 213. Because even Leighton said they’re perfect for each other and wants them to be together. 214. Because he had a dozen roses in one hand and his heart in the other. 215. Because she was afraid that she’ll just be another girl to him but she was wrong. You know it’s love when Blair Waldorf gets scared. 216. Because he wasn’t there to gloat. 217. Because viewers cannot stop blogging about Chair. 218. Because when Blair sent Chuck the text message in 2×08 that said he won, Chuck's face lit up. 219. Because not only were they holding hands in the limo but Chuck also held her hand in 1×8 and 2×08. 220. Because when Chuck came to see Blair in 2x12 he was playing the piano when she came downstairs. 221. Because he can smile sweetly only for/to her. 222. Because we obsess over every single look. 223. Because when she was dancing for him he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. 224. When they were dancing at the snowflake ball they were smiling and couldn’t keep their eyes off of each other. 225. Because Chuck has to learn to behave and who better to teach him than Blair. 226. Because Chuck’s wish did come true. 227. Because they have hundreds of songs that pertain to them. 228. Because he likes girls who are intelligent, but not book worms. 229. Because he got defensive when Serena told him Blair would never forgive him for what he did. 230. Because fans make videos about them. 231. Because they make viewers cry when they are together and cry when they are apart. 232. Because fans are not going to get sleep until they are happily together. 233. Because she puts so much effort into making him jealous. 234. Because he fired Ben, just for her. 235. Because whatever he wanted to do to himself, he didn’t want to do that to her. 236. Because she wanted to go with him if he had to leave. 237. Because she asked him not to go. 238. Because he was right about how she didn’t like James/Marcus. 239. Because she stood by him even after all his awful words. 240. Because she told him she had moves, and he saw them. 241. Because she was running away after he told her he didn’t want her anymore. 242. Because Lily told him not push away those who love him and then he went to Blair. 243. Because she knew he didn’t appreciate anything and she didn’t care. 244. Because she can find some excruciating pleasure in waiting for him. 245. Because one day he hoped to find true love too, and he did. 246. Because you can feel the sparks when they are together. 247. Because he had the death stare when Dan told him he talked Blair out of saying “I love you”. 248. Because he regretted telling her to stop trying to play wife. 249. Because she couldn’t look him in the eyes when she told him she was done. 250. Because she kissed him first. 251. Because he had no idea who the girl up there was. 252. Because she told him she wouldn’t miss the opening of Victrola, and she didn’t. 253. Because fanfictions are written about them. 254. Because when she drunk dials, she calls him. 255. Because Nate is her past, but Chuck is her future. 256. Because she couldn’t wait to see him. 257. Because he knew he made the wrong decision as soon as her plane took off. 258. Because seeing the pin on Marcus’ sleeve ruined his appetite. 259. Because she is wearing the necklace Chuck gave her even when she sleeps with Nate. 260. Because Chuck knows Blair's answer to the Dean's question. 261. Because she rubbed her hand through his hair when they were kissing in the limo. 262. Because he is sorry for everything. 263. Because he can manipulate anyone, but her (she sees right through his schemes). 264. Because he wouldn’t settle just for sex with her. 265. Because she saved his life when he didn’t want to be saved. 266. Because he can “torture” anyone but he chose Blair. 267. Because he has names for her when they make love. 269. Because it wasn’t for sport; she needed someone and he was there. 270. Because he makes her breath stop when he gazes into her eyes. 271. Because he brings out the ‘worst’ in her and she brings out the best in him. 272. Because she is one addiction he will never get over. 273. Because any other guy dating Blair does not have a future with her. 274. Because she looks good in purple too (…and in white, green, black and pink). 275. Because she will always be his first love. 276. Because other girls may see the good in him, but only Blair can accept the bad. 277. Because she understands and forgives his mistakes (eventually). 278. Because Chuck’s full name is Charles Bartholomew Bass, BCB and Blair’s full name is Blair Cornelia Waldorf, BCW. Both of their initials spell out BC and CB!!! It’s fate. 279. Because he knew exactly what she got on her exams. 280. Because she knew he could run his fathers company. 281. Because they are the first couple Becca has EVER shipped. 282. Because they both hate Dan Humphrey. 283. Because they both take their names way too seriously. 284. Because they both believed that hard work would earn them their parents’ love and respect. 285. Because in 2×18 Elle told Chuck that he has a good heart and he should be with someone who cares, and he immediately went to see Blair. 286. Because when Dorota told Chuck Blair was out he said “I’ll wait.” 287. Because in ep 2.08 Chuck said to Blair that he’d rather wait and in ep. 2.18 he DID wait for her. 288. Because Blair has 5 letters, Chuck has 5 letters, and Chair has 5 letters, it is so meant to be 289. Because the character Dorota and the actress who plays her are both ‘rooting for Chair’. 290. Because Chuck stole Serena’s phone to see if Blair changed her number. 291. Because Chuck wanted to get rid of Carter because he thought the old Blair would return. 292. Because the only thing Blair wanted more than Chuck was Yale. 293. Because Serena told him that to get Blair back all he has to do is make her feel safe and told him “You know what you need to say” 294. Because he knows her better than he knows himself. 295. Because he bought her a little something from Tiffany’s. 296. Because he went to see her to tell her he loves her. 297. Because his face was heartbroken when he saw Nate’s jacket. 298. Because he knows he is losing her. 299. Because when Nate asked Chuck “where’s the girl?”, Chuck answered “in my dreams”. And we all know he was thinking of Blair. (episode 8, season 1 – Blair’s b day). 300. Because Chuck wants to lick Blair’s wounds. 301. Because Chuck knows Blair wanted him. (”the only thing she wanted more than me”) 302. Because he’s the one who’s trying to help her. 303. Because Carter knew the thing that would hurt Chuck the most is to take Blair from him. 304. Because Chuck hired a PI to dig dirt on Carter so that he’d have Blair back. 305. Because is from Chuck that Blair learned to let loose. 306. Because Chuck isn’t going to play “where’s Waldorf all night”. 307. Because Chuck wanted to bribe Dorota into telling him where’s Blair. 308. Because when Serena and Chuck found Blair at the dean’s house Blair asked “Chuck? What r u doing here?” like Serena didn’t even exist. 309. Because while Blair was rejected by the dean, Chuck couldn’t even look at her 2 see how hurt she was. 310. Because Chuck is glad “the old Blair is in there, somewhere”. 311. Because Dorota tipped Chuck off of Blair’s whereabouts. 312. Because when Blair mentioned George Sand she looked at Chuck because she knew he payed attention when she talked about Yale. (”New Haven Can Wait”) 313. Because Blair wants Chuck to remember the first time he saw the real her. 314. Because Blair admitted dancing for Chuck at Victrola. 315. Because Blair did want Chuck to take her. 316. Because Chuck could have taken advantage of her but he didn’t. It’s not about sex anymore. 317. Because Serena told Chuck to fight 4 Blair and he listened to her and went by Blair’s place. 318. Because Serena knows Chuck is the only one who can make Blair feel safe again. 319. Because even if Dorota told the doorman “no visitors”, Chuck found a way to get in. 320. Because Chuck needs just a moment of Blair's time. 321. Because we loved how in this ep. Chuck realized the most important thing in his life is Blair. 322. They both bite their bottom lip when they’re turned on by the other person (Blair last night in the “Take me now” scene, and Chuck in the make out scene from ‘Hi Society’.) 323. Their hottest making out sessions (imho) are with each other. 324. They are both currently not technically living with their biological parents. 325. Their most poignant scenes are with each other. 326. They both have brown eyes. 327. They both have similar facial expressions sometimes. 328. They both gained a few pounds since Season 1. 329. They both love to scheme. 330. They’re hot even when they fight because they’re so passionate and they love each other so. 331. Because Chuck called Carter an insect and looked genuinely pissed that Leighton…’Blair’ was with Carter and not him. 332. They’ve both had issues with love. 333. They’ve both had issues with Georgina. 334. They’ve both had strained/conditional relationships with their parents. 335. Because while Carter was kissing her, Blair couldn’t take her eyes off Chuck. 336. Because Leighton said that Blair needs Chuck, and Chuck completes Blair. 337. Because she fought for him, hard, for so long! 338. Because “fireworks”, “that was us”. 339. Because the game 'how well you know Blair Waldorf was funny for him 340. Because he make her love him and hate him at the same time. 341. Because Chuck called the P.I. to investigate about Marcus. 342. Because he knows every single detail of her. 343. Because he knew the guy who chewed gum, would drive her mad. 344. Because she doesn’t want an intelligent man, she only thinks so 345. Because he wanted her to drop her Archibald habit. 346. Because his arm was on her when he slept next to her. 347. Because she read the letter from his father. 348. Because she was the only one who went after him when he left the penthouse after his father’s funeral. 349. Because he wanted her again the second night after their first night. 350. Because he wanted her to consider avoiding him over breakfast just so he could be with her. (S1.E8) 351. Because he knew it was more than just Gossip Girl airing her dirty laundry. 352. Because she knew it wasn’t Marcus in the room with her. 353. Because Chuck is the cause of the disease Blairanoia (and also the cure). 354. Because she will stand by thim through the worst thing he has ever done, the darkest thought he’s ever had. 355. Because “she is not his girfriend” but yet he loves her so much. 356. Because he cried in her arms like a child…they need no words to understand eachother. 357. Because they slept fully clothed next to eachother. 358. Because they say if you love someone you should set it free. 359. Because like Serena said this time is different (when Dan said Blair and Chuck don’t love each other) 360. Because he is done playing games. 361. Because he brings her peonies. 362. Because she had prepared a candle light dinner for him. 363. Because she has faith in him. 364. Because he made his father proud when speaking about her. 365. Because someone can love Chuck Bass. 366. Because the only thing that will get Blair to relax is Chuck. 367. Because the best thing about her is she knows him, knows he’ll never change. 368. Because she will be his one and only REAL girlfriend. 369. Because he isn’t Chuck Bass without her. 370. Because she used Marcus only to show him he didn’t hurt her. 371. Because they land on good ideas together. 372. Because he was a perfect gentleman the whole week they were together. 373. Because even Serena said all Chuck had was Blair after his father died and he was back from Thailand. 374. Because Chuck went to school to see Blair when he should have been home hooked up to an IV. 375. Because Blair told Dan it was the same for them as it was for him and Serena. 376. Because Blair wanted her and Chuck to say I love you together. 377. Because Chuck stalks Blair in a desperate romantic way (S1.E8 at the church, S2.E20 at Nate’s). 378. Because Blair says that Chuck is dead to her as his father is to him, but we all know that isn’t true. Chuck thinks about his father all the time. 379. Because Chuck and Blair have DRAMA! 380. Because when she looked into his eyes she didn’t see him anymore. 381. Because he always tells her he is sorry. 382. Because he cared enough to compare her to a sweaty old horse. 383. Because they caught her cellphone at the exact same time because they read each other’s minds (2-08). 384. Because:”don’t you see we’re the same.” 385. Because she will fight every resemblance she has with him. 386. Because he said to Nate: If you wanna be done with Blair be done. 387. Because Chuck’s the gift that keeps on giving. 388. Because only Blair could make Chuck dysfunctional. 389. Because during the debutante rehearsal Chuck only had eyes for Blair. 390. Because he went to find her after she told him not to talk to her. 391. Because Chuck was silent at first when Serena asked how things went with Blair at Nate’s reunion. 392. Because she was the baby vamp that Chuck lost his heart to. 393. Because of the look Chuck had when he found out that Marcus was a lord. 394. Because she is the only girl he bought a gift for after their first time. 395. Because it was 12:01 and Chuck was smarmy. 396. Because Blair left her mother’s wedding to stay with Chuck to comfort him. 397. Because he blew out her candles. 398. Because as Serena said: he does have this weird influence over her. 399. Because even Dan said (and was the first one to ever say it)…Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck. 400. Because she ran after him when he “lost his appetite.” 401. Because she’ll squash him. 402. Because of the look in his face when he says: that was us. 403. Because she thought (and still thinks but she’s in denial) that Chuck was her future. 404. Because they have fireworks. 405. Because she was given orders from God himself to avoid him. 406. Because she can be bitch enough for both of them and he has the scars to prove it. 407. Because Chuck was better but only for Blair. 408. Because he’s not Chuck Bass without her. And she’s definitely not Blair Waldorf without him. 409. Because Chuck doesn’t want Blair 2 be anything other than she is. 410. Because Chuck knows that Blair needs someone 2 believe in her. 411. Because she wouldn’t give Nate an answer until Chuck answered her question. 412. Because he let her go, thinking he doesn’t make her happy. 413. Because he told Serena he loves her. 414. Because Nate has to say the word and Blair could crash with Chuck at his place, he won’t mind. 415. Because if what he feels for her is real they can work it out. 416. Because she spent the night in the limo with Chuck instead of the night in the apartment with Nate. 417. Because when Blair said “then please Chuck…just let me go” her tear dropped. 418. Because she was the first person to get a real laugh out of him after his fathers death. 419. Because he knows she wears her beret to spy on people. 420. Because she tries to hide from him when he catches her spying. 421. Because she knows he caught her spying and she gives him a cute smile. 422. Because he can’t help but smile at her when she is scheming. 423. Because when Blair saw Chuck walk out of the bar she said ‘looks like God answered my prayers’. 424. Because they fell asleep in the back of the limo and woke up holding hands. 425. Because they both carry morning kits with them. 426. Because with Chuck and Blair it’s always a big deal. 427. Because Chuck doesn’t want to put a leash on Blair. 428. Because when Blair kissed Nate in front of Chuck he couldn’t look. 429. Because he brings Blair her jacket. 430. Because when Serena said ‘you are using this as an excuse to get back together’ they don’t deny it. 431. Because Blair called Chuck not Nate when she wanted to dig up dirt on Gabriel. 432. Because Chuck used the excuse of finding Georgina to get Blair away from Nate. 433. Because he knows her weakness for limos. 434. Because even if Nate asked Chuck to stay away from Blair he couldn’t deny her when she called saying ‘Bass what do you say…once last mission?’. 435. Because of Chuck’s facial expression when he heard that Blair was going to move in with Nate. 436. Because he had tears in his eyes when he let her go. 437. Because whenever she tries to move on he’s always there acting like….he loves her. 438. Because Blair chose to go on a quest with the Dark Prince. 439. Because he brought Blair her bag when they were going to find Georgina. 440. Because she called Chuck when Serena got arrested even after their talk. 441. Because he took a long pause to gather his emotions before he told her ‘it’s just a game…you’re free to go’. 442. Because she said thank you after the bar scene in 2.23 the exact same way she said thank you after the white scene in 2.01 when both time he didn’t tell her how he felt. 443. Because Chuck told Blair to call Eleanor and tell her she won’t be coming home that night. It’s important to him that his future mother in law knows that she’s safe. 444. Because they both care about how their hair looks (limo scene 2.22). 445. Because he knows she enjoyed his leather seats on the way home from seeing Georgina. 446. Because she took his limo and left him having to take a cab. 447. Because she tells him to shut up in the most adorable way after he says ‘this seems eerily familiar’. 448. Because Blair didn’t go with Chuck only to help her best friend – ‘Is that the only reason?’. 449. Because the dark prince has just one thing on his mind and it isn’t slaying dragons. 450. Because Chuck was afraid that Georgina was going to hurt Blair. 451. Because Chuck teased Nate about Blair leaving the party with him. 452. Because Blair doesn’t want to move in with Nate because she’s in love with Chuck. 453. Because he wants her to be happy. 454. Because when Nate said he loved her she couldn’t say it back because she is in love with Chuck, not NATE! 455. Because Chuck loves her the way she is and doesn’t try to change her. 456. Because Chuck says the transformation of Georgina is perfection because she looks exactly like Blair and Blair is perfection. 457. Because when he is admiring Georgina’s transformation he glances over to Blair and gives her a smile because he is so proud of her. 458. Because of the hatred in Chuck’s eyes when Nate says he wants Blair. 459. Because Chuck wanted to buy Blair a cocktail. 460. Because like Leighton said “They are so perfect because they get each other.” 461. Because Chuck knows her deep dark side, and finds it hot. – Leighton 462. Because Blair knows that Chuck has a soul. 463. Because Blair wanted to know if what Chuck feels for her is real. 464. Because during their conversation at the bar they both looked into each other’s eyes the whole time. 465. Because he takes Blair’s phone calls outside rather than where Nate can hear them. 466. Blair’s last name is Waldorf. One of the most luxurious hotels in NYC is Waldorf-Astoria. Chuck’s family is in hotel business. Even remote circumstances are in their favor. 467. Because even Gossip Girl herself wants Blair to be with the Dark Prince. 468. Because he knows where she hides her scrapbook. 469. Because he ordered her a dress from Paris. 470. Because Chuck didn’t even try to defend himself when Blair accused him of sabotaging her, he let her abuse him. 471. Because he smiled when he saw her happy on stage even if he wasn’t beside her. 472. Because he thinks her dress looks better without the corsage. 473. Because even Serena said what Chuck did for Blair was ’sweet’ and Chuck Bass doesn’t do sweet. 474. Because he wanted her to have the perfect prom night even if it’s not with him. 475. Because she couldn’t help but smile when Chuck asked her to dance at the Snowflake Ball. 476. Because she took a long pause before she said ‘and if not Chuck then please….just let me go’. 477. Because Chuck knows that she has more wit than she gets credit for. 478. Because only a masochist could love a narcissist. 479. Because Blair saying 'Chuck please' calms him down. (Blair reading Bart's letter in 2.15). 480. Because Chuck wrote Blair a letter and Chuck Bass doesn't write girls letters. 481. Because to Chuck, Blair is a queen and he only sees her as a queen. 482. Because Blair is the center of Chuck’s world and he will do anything to make her happy. 483. Because he voted for her to win Prom Queen 150 times. 484. Because even Gossip Girl was speechless after Chuck said ILY to Blair. She always has long monologue at the end of the episode but she only said ‘xoxo’. 485. Because when Leighton was asked who else would she want to see Blair with she said NO ONE. Chuck all the way! 486. Because he went around the world to bring back her favorite accessories. 487. Because Blair wanted Serena to tell her how Chuck sounded when he said he loved her. 488. Because Blair wanted Chuck to know that she and Nate broke up. 489. Because she loves him so much it consumes her. 490. Because Blair has been looking for Chuck. 491. Because he loves her too! 492. Because the way she taps his shoulder. 493. Because of the way she grabs his face. 494. Because of his facial expression when he asks Blair how she is. 495. Because he was looking at her at graduation. 496. Because they were walking side by side at graduation. 497. Because he didn’t want talking when she pulled him into the room. 498. Because Chuck Bass is not a coward anymore and Blair Waldorf is not weakling. 499. Because everywhere he went she caught up to him. 500. Because of the smile on their faces when they are kissing at the end of the finale.
Сообщение отредактировал IrЭn - Вторник, 09.08.2011, 18:21