Апрельская, дела хорошо, зашла сегодня сюда после двухдневного перерыва, а здесь столько всего интересного! Как ты? gulmira23, полностью поддерживаю этого оратора, написавшего такое замечательное сообщение.
Роман Чака и Блер привлекает внимание, потому, что эти два человека подходят друг другу. Потом это вполне реальные отношения, не всегда ведь бывает любовь с первого взгляда, бывает и просто физиологическое влечение. Не всегда взрослые люди с ним справляются, а уж подростки - тем более.
Этот роман будет длится всю жизнь. Прелесть таких отношений в том, что на них можно смотреть со стороны.Такие характеры, которым все время нужен адреналин, не созданы для романтических отношений. Они всю жизнь будут предавать и прощать друг друга.
Ну этот роман будет бесконечным. Такие люди как Блер и Чак выходят в состояние поиска и чего-то могут хотеть, только тогда, когда их дразнят. Потому, что движущее начало таких персонажей - хочу, ах, не даете, возьму сам, ну и так далее
точно, прелесть, я ВЕРЮ, что здравомыслящих людей способных понять их и их отношения со всеми их положительными и отрицательными моментами, гораздо больше, чем пытающихся разглядеть "МИЛУЮ" "ЛОГИКУ" в несуразице ДБ вот сегодня нашла отличный пост: Why do I ship Chuck&Blair?
Well there are many reasons. But the best thing about them is that despite the contest, despite the unreality of the show itself, Chuck and Blair’s dynamics as a couple and the single characters themself feel so freaking real to me. I mean, life is not perfect, life is complicated and relationships are usually even more complicated. People fight, they make mistakes, they end up hurting each other at some point. But this is the only way we have to grow up as person, we learn to forgive, we learn to face the emotions and handle our feelings, we learn to understand other person’s needs. Chuck and Blair are not perfet, at all. They were born imperfectly, finding themself connected in the back of a limo. They were born in a wrong situation, she was upset about Nate and Blair was Chuck’s bestfriend girl. But the real point is that this is what I call “real”. It’s in these wrong situations, when you’re facing something hard to get through that we show what we really are, we show our weakness. And I think it was not a case that in that moment Blair has chosen to be with Chuck. She gave to him the only think that she was keeping safe for the person who would have loved her. And after that scene everything chanege. Suddenly there is a bond between them, something real. He saw a part of her on that stage that she never showed to anyone before. He appracieted her in a way like no one else did before. He took care of her, trying to give her what she really needed. Attentions, sweetness, he puts her at the center of his world. Chuck has made bad things, but it’s not like Blair is just the poor victim of the situation, it’s not like she is a saint. She made some mistakes too. And I think that the beauty of Chuck and Blair is also that, despite who they are, despite all the bad things they can be able to do, they just can’t stop loving each other, in a complete and honest way. Because they’re made of the same essence. It’s something that is undeniable to my eyes. They know each other even more than they know themselfs. And their love is also what “save” them. They had it all, they had the journey, the build-up, the angst, the sweetness and they’re still there, trying to find their way back to each other, unable to let go. That’s love to me. That’s a real relationship, the kind of one that in the end can handle everything. Chuck can see Blair in all of her sides, even the worst ones and in the end he finds himself loving every parts of her. I don’t think that anyone else can see Blair this way and still appraciate her. I don’t think that Dan could ever understand or at least accept the most darkest part of her. I think that even Blair sometimes can’t accept that part of herself, she’s still attached to the idea of her life as a “fairy-tale”, but I also think that she needs to accept that part of her, she needs to face the reality and understand what is real and what is not. And I think that what is real to her, is her love for Chuck. That’s the only thing that was always there, through 4 fucking seasons.