время быстро пролетит и она будет с нами))) вот я наверное после последней серии тоже до 20 июня покину вас(( вообще-то надо раньше, но не досмотреть с вами не могу)))
нет время тянется еле как я тож после защиты и выпускного отдыхать уеду...но у меня всегда доступ в инет будет..так что я появляться буду.. в принципе здесь после мая до июля можно не появляться..новости будут редко появляться..
Всем привет, мои дорогие! Всего два дня здесь не была, но уже очень по вам соскучилась! Принесла вам печальное, но очень красивое видео.. Возможное развитие событий 22 серии..
gulmira23, Там даже не столько видео, сколько кадры из последней серии и описан их диалог... Очень похоже на то, что нас ожидает.. Оттого и грустно.. Плюс музыка очень красивая.. Посмотри потом. Вот текст их диалога на английском..
It took a moment to sink in. She couldn't believe what he'd done. Well that was a lie. Despite of everything, all they had been through, she still knew he would do anything for her. And likewise, she would always be there for him. She turned around and noticed him standing there. Their eyes locked in a loving stare as she walked towards him hastily. Wordlessly, she went into his willing arms. They hugged tightly. He heaned his head onto her shoulder, inhaling a breath of her sweet perfume. She wrapped her arms around him tighter, melting into the loving hug. Finally she pulled back to look at him, reluctantly. She could have stayed in his arms forever. The brunette had forgotten what it was like. How the whole world would fade away. And she felt safe and loved. "Chuck..." Blair said softly, searching for the perfect words. Chuck held his arms around her waist, holding her firmly in place as they spoke. He shook his head softly "Look Blair, please don't ---" he started to say but was cut off by the beautiful brunette. "Let me finish" Blair said softly, assertively, the way only she could. She gripped his jacket firmly. They stared at each other with a look that could only be described as loving. Blair could never hide the way she felt about him. Even at times her words were harsh or cold, her eyes read differently. "I will always love you Chuck..." she said softly, meaning it with all her heart. "But my future is with Louis" she added, wishing she could make him understand. He looked away, smiling dryly. He didn't want to hear it. She put her hand on his cheek gently, forcing him to face her again. "Don't you think we would have found our way back by now?" Blair asked, her eyes filled with sorrow. Chuck didn't know what to say. Their eyes locked in a heartfelt stare. "No, this can't be it for you and me" chuck said sadly, his voice shaky with emotion. She took a deep breath, calming herself. A tear trickled down her cheek. She smiled at her failed attempt to supress the urge to cry. "Some things are never really over, Chuck..." she concluded, hoping she got her point across. Everything else she wanted to say eluded her mind as she stared at the one true love of her life. They had been through so much together. They had their ups and downs, and things were hard at times. But nothing was harder than letting go. 'When did everything get so complicated?' she thought to herself. She didn't want to think about it now. She leaned in slowly. He wrapped his arms around her again, holding her for what seemed like a lifetime. They completely tuned out everything and everyone around them. As much as Chuck didn't want to let her go, he realized he could never make her happy. He whispered into her ear "You deserve your fairytale..."