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BronzeДата: Понедельник, 16.01.2012, 11:23 | Сообщение # 316
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Quote (UES_ChuckBlair)
А в этом году понравилась София Вергара, совершенно шикарна!!!

Да София Вергара мне тоже понравилась:

Еще: Lea Michele

Но больше всех: Sarah Michelle Gellar

BronzeДата: Вторник, 17.01.2012, 07:06 | Сообщение # 317
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Gossip Girl Redux: Big Boss Reveals Love Triangle Is Becoming a "Major" Square!

It's back and more dramatic than ever!

Gossip Girl finally returned tonight and answered fans' most burning questions: What happened to Chuck (Ed Westwick) and Blair (Leighton Meester) after the car crash? Is Blair's baby OK? And who did Blair finally decide to be with: Chuck or Prince Louis (Hugo Becker)?

If that's not enough, we have exclusive scoop from executive producer Josh Safran who tells us that a certain love triangle is becoming a love square "in a major way" and reveals whether Dan (Penn Badgley) and Serena (Blake Lively) will be giving their romance another shot. Plus, he dishes on the night's biggest reveal: the appearance of a much-talked about, but never before seen character...

SPOILER ALERT: Don't read on unless you've already watched the episode!

Blair's Secret Is Revealed: The episode begins "a few months" after Blair and Chuck's car crash and we learn that Blair lost her baby. We also learn that she is still engaged to Louis and hasn't spoken to Chuck since the accident. She's been ignoring Chuck, who is desperate to know why Blair's pushing him away. Chuck isn't the only one Blair's been distant from. She's barely speaking to Serena and Louis, who is convinced she's having an affair. Eventually, he and Chuck believe she's secretly seeing Dan.

After several red herrings with Dan and Blair, she finally comes clean to Serena and tells her why she's ignoring Chuck: she made a deal with God after the accident. "You have my baby. You can't take Chuck, too. Let him live. I'll do anything. I promise I'll keep my vow to marry Louis and never be with him again," Blair promises God in the hospital's church, right before the nurse comes in to tell her Chuck has woken up and is asking for her. Yes, that is why Blair won't be with Chuck: She thinks she's protecting him." Just because we can't be together doesn't mean I won't love you," a heartbroken Blair tells Chuck.

So no, Blair is not having an affair with Dan, he's just been going to church with her to help her figure out her feelings. When Blair considers breaking off her engagement because she's still in love with Chuck, she looks out the window to see Chuck almost being hit by a cab. "If anything ever happened to Chuck I would feel like it's my fault," Blair tells Serena.

Still, all of this leads to the big scene between Chuck and Blair. First off, let's describe how sad it made us to see Chuck believe Blair was there because she wanted to be with him. Sad panda. Blair was just there to tell Chuck she's proud of the person he's become and hopes that her choosing to be with Louis doesn't change that. Understandably, Chuck wants an explanation and he deserves one. He refuses to let this go and promises to use his power to find out what went wrong. We hope this doesn't ruin all of the progress Chuck made in the first half of the season, but Westwick did tell us Chuck "wants at any cost to find a way to be with her and that's what he's doing for the rest of the reason, is trying, trying and trying. Of course, when something's like that, sometimes you try bad methods, you try bad approaches."

So why the time jump? Safran explains that "we didn't want three months to pass by in our normal customary summer because we wanted Blair to not be that far along in her pregnancy so we could tell more stories without having her to have a baby bump." The writers decided to use the winter hiatus as the vehicle to get the show's timing back on track. Another reason for the time jump was to give Blair time to mourn the loss of her child offscreen. "It would be very, very painful to watch her mourn so much onscreen," Safran says. "She still mourns obviously, but we didn't want to dwell on it every single episode."

Serena Makes Her Move: On Dan and Gossip Girl's turf! First, Serena comes to Dan's rescue when he's corned by Chuck and Louis about his "affair" with Blair. Unable to tell them the reason he's been hanging out with Blair, Serena steps in and says they've secretly been dating and Blair's been protecting them. Obviously, Serena is more than happy to do this for two reasons: She still has feelings for her ex and she's protecting her BFF. Everyone wins! Including Derena fans, who got to see their favorite couple kiss at the strike of midnight on New Year's Eve.

As for Gossip Girl, she's been silent since Blair and Chuck's car accident and Serena has taken over the UES blogosphere. With Gossip Girl gone, people have been sending their tips to Serena, who refuses to do anything with them...until she realizes they could actually help people rather than hurt people. Too bad that Nate, who was pushing her to use them, might have a change of heart thanks to a certain blogger's tips about the the fact that he was supposed to be in the car that crashed that night.

Will the Real Charlie Rhodes Please Stand Up: She's here, she's finally here! The much-talked about Charlie Rhodes (Ella Rae Peck) finally appeared on the show after Ivy (Kaylee Defer) has been using her name for almost a year. Lily (Kelly Rutherford) had hired a private investigator to find her niece, but thought he had found the wrong Charlie. We thought he had too...until the end of the episode where it was reveealed she's the real deal.

"I really am proud that that reveal did not get out. I love it," Safran tells us. "It's so funny because just Tuesday shots got out of Ella and Chace and I was like, 'F-ck!' People started writing online, 'I wonder if this is the real Charlie,' but they didn't know for sure. We got so far because she's been shooting since, I don't know. That was episode 11 and we're shooting episode 18." Yes, the real Charlie is sticking around for some time. Color us intrigued!


Dan Become a Contender: Make way for Dan, Chuck and Louis, because he's becoming a viable contender in the fight for Blair's love. "What I said at the top of the season was this was pretty much going to be a romantic love triangle between Chuck, Louis and Blair and that Dan was going to be more a friend of Blair," Safran explains. "This second half of the season, that triangle absolutely becomes a square in a major way. That is where that story is going." Dair fans: Rejoice! Chuck/Blouis fans: React!

As for that spoiler about Dan writing Louis' vows, Safran says he was a bit peeved about that leaking out because the "reveal is in the last five minutes of the episode." He would tell us that "just because the audience finds out Dan wrote the vows doesn't mean Blair finds out."

A Rocky Road: While some Chuck and Blair fans may be growing tired of the obstacles thrown in their favorite couple's way, Safran says, "I'm hoping fans agree that the struggles Chuck and Blair keep coming up against are good struggles." He also tells us those struggles are always going to be the relationship's core problem "It's like just when they think they've conquered one aspect that was keeping them apart, another one pops up. I believe that is always going to be Chuck and Blair's issue with each other," Safran says. "They just can't seem to get it right. The thing is can Chuck and Blair ever be in a place where they can meet each other eye to eye or will one always a few steps ahead of the other? That's never boring to me."

Derena Part...We've Lost Count: Dan and Serena will continue fake-dating in the coming episodes to protect Blair, and Safran tells us, "The fake dating starts out meaning more to Serena than it does to Dan." But will Dan possibly fall for his ex-girlfriend/step-sister again? "You'll have to watch and see," he teases. "Old patterns die hard!"

Gossip Girl Threatened: Considering Serena finally caved and decided to start looking through the blasts being sent to her just as Nate found out Gossip Girl was the mystery person texting clues about the car crash, it's safe to say things are about to get extremely complicated in the UES' blogosphere. "Not only is it about to get complicated, but I don't think Gossip Girl has ever seen anyone go head-to-head with her before," Safran says. "She's always been head and shoulders above the rest, so now the idea what Serena might challenge her reign is definitely going to ratchet up the tension."

BronzeДата: Вторник, 17.01.2012, 08:50 | Сообщение # 318
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Gossip Girl Recap: God Only Knows

[Warning: If you've yet to watch Monday's episode of Gossip Girl, avert your! Everyone else, read on...]

Who would have thought that a Beach Boys song — and one-time Big Love theme — would be so apropos to Gossip Girl? But The CW soap’s return this Monday was surprisingly full of divine intervention and proclamations of love. Here’s a look back at the romantic — and mysterious — highlights.

CHUCK AND BLAIR | Things changed quite a bit for the pair during the significant time jump since the fall finale’s car crash cliffhanger. Blair had — no surprise here — lost the baby. Chuck had a near brush with death, but seemed to have come out of the accident OK — except for the fact that Blair was now avoiding him and was refusing to tell him why. She finally confessed to Serena that she had prayed for Chuck’s life and promised to God that she’d marry Louis if he let Chuck live. Cue nurse telling Blair that Chuck was awake and asking for her. So now Blair believed that if anything were to ever happen to him — like a near-miss run-in with a car while innocently crossing the street — she would never be able to forgive herself. To protect Chuck, she would have to make the ultimate sacrifice and let him go even though she’ll always love him. Serena was the surprising voice of reason, telling her God wouldn’t want her to marry someone she didn’t love. “I don’t not love him,” she said of Louis. So to sum up: Blair and Chuck still love each other, but the wedding is still on, and The Big Guy is now Enemy No. 1 on every Chair ‘shipper’s list.

DAN AND BLAIR | Chuck and Louis’ explanation for Blair’s bizarre behavior? She’s having an affair with Dan, which Louis planned to expose at the Spectator‘s New Year’s Eve bash. (Ugh, Louis.) Dan and Blair were sneaking around together — but only to go to church! Blair had confided in Dan about her moment with God before she even told Serena, and he was merely keeping her secret as asked. So while things were strictly platonic between Blair and Dan in this episode, perhaps Chuck and Louis are onto something about how much Dan has become a part of Blair’s life?

DAN AND SERENA | To cover for Blair, Serena lied and told Chuck and Louis that it was she and Dan who were having an affair. Appearances had to be kept up, so at the stroke of midnight, Serena and Dan sealed their fake relationship with a kiss. As they pulled apart, the blonde almost looked contemplative. It may be a new year, but old feelings appear to be coming back. On the professional front, Serena managed to silence Kristen Bell Gossip Girl, but the blogger wasn’t taking a vacation. She did her homework about Chuck and Blair’s compromised limo being meant for Nate, and led the boss behind her enemy’s blog to the truth. How long before Gossip Girl is working at the Spectator?

WILL THE REAL CHARLIE PLEASE STAND UP | While searching for Ivy, Lily’s P.I. actually tracked down the real Charlie, who’s a student right in New York! It seemed like real Charlie did not recognize her aunt Lily, who came by campus looking for her Charlie. If she wasn’t faking it and truly doesn’t know Lily, why all the secrecy? Was it all Carol’s doing? And where’s Ivy, who was completely MIA during the episode?

BronzeДата: Четверг, 26.01.2012, 04:12 | Сообщение # 319
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Exclusive Sneak Peek: Gossip Girl’s Royal Wedding

On Monday, Gossip Girl‘s ‘Queen B’ Blair Waldorf becomes … a princess. It’s the royal wedding the whole Upper East Side is talking about — and we have an exclusive sneak peek!

In the clip above, costume designer Eric Daman talks about creating TV land’s very own royal wedding, and selecting a stunning Vera Wang gown. “[It's] so couture but has that old-world feeling to it that makes sense for who Blair Waldorf is, becoming the Princess of Monaco,” he explains. “I think what the wedding is going to look like is going to set the bar for what the 100th episode is.”

That’s right — Monday’s wedding episode also happens to be the show’s milestone 100th. And in that time, Daman estimates the cast has gone through a seriously staggering number of costume changes. Click to find out how many — and see Waldorf walk down the aisle. Tell us: Will you watch Gossip Girl‘s 100th episode?

Cyon80Дата: Четверг, 26.01.2012, 14:12 | Сообщение # 320
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Ed Westwick Tired of "Lovesick Puppy" Chuck, Ready for Gossip Girl to End

Last we saw Chuck Bass, he was so determined to bust up Blair's wedding (ah, young love) that he told some malevolent priest from Monaco that he'd revert back to his dastardly scheming ways to do it. Which isn't so much what Blair wants, but Ed Westwick would love it.

That's because over the past two seasons of Gossip Girl, Chuck has been re-made into the heart-on-his-sleeve Romeo of the Upper East Side. His reformed self is still rich and pretentious, but the amoral playboy who once traded Blair for a hotel is long gone. Even his last fling last season with Raina turned into real love (if you take Blair out of the equation).

Gossip Girl "End of the Affair" postmortem: Burning questions answered!

"I feel like the old Chuck was a playboy and that's what I would have loved to have been," Westwick told The 24-year-old British actor laughed before adding, "Maybe I was?"

"That's like the fantasy for any young man, so it made him so much fun to play. Now he's like a lovesick puppy. It's like, dude!"

At the same time, Westwick says Chuck's turnaround makes narrative sense. "It's maturity. I've experienced it in my own life as well. I feel quite reformed," he said, smiling. "I bought an apartment so now I've got a mortgage to pay. I sit at home and drink tea and watch Planet Earth as opposed to other...activities."

"After everything Chuck's been through, I think there were some major wake-up calls and reality checks that kind of put him in a different place," Westwick continued. Being part of a torrid romance isn't so bad either. "I loved the scene where Chuck and Blair go off together in the back of that limo. Very Diana and Dodi. Quite eerie."

Gossip Girl's Leighton Meester: I want the Dan and Blair relationship to play out

Westwick refused to say whether or not reformed Chuck would go out the window during Tuesday's big wedding event (the show's 100th episode). Now teamed up with a shady member of the clergy, will Chuck's old self-sabotaging self reemerge to rid his world of Prince Louis via less-than-honorable means? Westwick would only say anything goes on Gossip Girl: "It'll never be too boring because any moment Chuck can bring it back."

Still, Westwick hasn't changed his tune about wanting to move on from the CW series. He infamously told Tatler magazine in early 2011 that Chuck no longer fascinated him. And when asked whether Gossip Girl should continue past Season 6 — which is when the main cast's contracts are up -- Westwick answered a resolute "no."

"We've done everything," he said. "I feel like I've done everything! But I don't write the show, so if they come up with something where I'm reading it and go, 'Oh wait! We can do this. He can fly!' then who knows."

Michelle Trachtenberg returning to Gossip Girl

Meanwhile, ratings for the show have cooled -- the most recent episode, "The Father and the Bride," drew a series low 1.1 million viewers -- and like many of his cast mates, Westwick is eager to tackle new projects. He had a small role in Clint Eastwood 's J. Edgar, and will next month begin shooting a new take on Romeo and Juliet, adapted by Downton Abbey's Julian Fellowes and co-starring Hailee Steinfeld. He's playing Tybalt, of course. ("You see more into Tybalt in Julian's version," Westwick said. "Instead of him being a straight villain and sort of the fascist that we know from the play, you get some depth. I can't wait to start filming. It's unreal.")

Gossip Girl fans shouldn't start fretting yet — Westwick is still locked in for next year should the show be renewed. "I do have a great time doing the show," he said. "It's in New York, which is sweet."

Do you feel like Gossip Girl's got more to give? Would you watch if Ed Westwick wasn't part of the cast? Tell us in the comments below.

Моё "люблю" слишком дорого стоит... Говорю это редко и мало кому
BronzeДата: Пятница, 03.02.2012, 23:21 | Сообщение # 321
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Penn Badgley Meets Girlfriend Zoe's Dad, Lenny Kravitz!

Penn Badgley (Dan) and his lady love, Zoe Kravitz, look to be takin’ their relationship to the next level!

Life & Style reports exclusively that an eyewitness spotted the cute duo out to dinner on Thursday, February 2 at Mr. Chow in NYC with none other than Zoe’s rockstar daddio, Lenny Kravitz!

Meeting the parents of a newly-minted GF is never easy ― but when said parent is Lenny Kravitz, well, we imagine the pressure is really on…

The eyewitness dished, “[Penn] sat opposite Lenny at a table for six. Penn looked a bit nervous! He wasn’t talking too much to begin with, but warmed up as the evening went on.”


Penn snuck in a smooch at the table that the source says was “very appropriate” and “only a sweet peck.”

How cute is that?

BronzeДата: Пятница, 17.02.2012, 04:34 | Сообщение # 322
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A Gossip Girl's Main Stage
Producer Stephanie Savage transfers her love of Old Hollywood and big-city style to her Los Angeles home

Stephanie Savage, who helped create "Gossip Girl," has finally designed a set for herself: a 2,228-square-foot, three-bedroom, three-bath 1920s-era home on the east side of Los Angeles. Lauren Schuker has details on Lunch Break.

Los Angeles

Stephanie Savage's carefully honed aesthetic has long informed the sets of "Gossip Girl," the teen soap opera she helped create that's as known for its highbrow style as its wild story lines. A mural of Marie Antoinette—one of Ms. Savage's style icons—decorates main character Blair Waldorf's bedroom; a painting by one of Ms. Savage's favorite artists hangs in the bedroom of Chuck Bass, another of the show's characters.

the library room with her dog Harper Lee and her sister's dog Dave.

Now, Ms. Savage, 42, has finally designed a set for herself: a 2,228-square-foot, three-bedroom, three-bath 1920s-era home.

Purchased in late 2009 for $1.5 million, and designed and furnished over the last two years for about another $200,000, the home and its environs reflect years of careful planning, starting when Ms. Savage was in Iowa City studying film history and theory in graduate school. Its look and feel reflects Ms. Savage's lifelong obsession with old Hollywood; every home she's rented or owned since moving to Los Angeles in 1995 has been of that same era.

"I've always been fascinated by that time in Hollywood, when the entire film industry moved out here between 1914 and 1925," she said. "It feels very romantic to me—these little neighborhoods sprouting up around the studios, people riding their horses through the brush on Mulholland."

The stucco-covered Mediterrean-style home sits on a quiet street off the main thoroughfare in Los Feliz, an affluent, arty neighborhood that's home to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Inside, Ms. Savage accented the home's 16-foot coved ceilings—original from 1926—and espresso-colored floors with earth-toned couches and classic pieces, using a long wooden bench as a living room coffee table. She added custom-lit bookshelves in her living room to display her large collection of books, as well as several of Truman Capote's stuffed animals that she bought for $100 in an auction of his estate. In the dining area, she covered a vintage crystal chandelier that came with the house with a light brown drum.

She also worked with a designer, Kathryn Sykora, to find antique pieces that were both decorative and functional, such as a 1930s industrial mail sorter from Paris that displays knickknacks and organizes fliers and a vintage Belgian railway sign that's been converted into a foyer table. A thick antique wood ladder sits in the middle of Ms. Savage's sterile white kitchen; she needs it to help her reach high-up shelves and leaves it out as part of the décor.

"Stephanie can develop a room like it's a character, pulling many disparate elements into it that somehow only make sense when seen together," said Ms. Sykora.

Clothes and fashion play a big role in Ms. Savage's personal and professional life: She originally dressed "Gossip Girl" star Blake Lively in her own clothes (notably a cashmere overcoat and book bag) to make her look more "New York" for an early screen test. On the second floor, Ms. Savage turned an extra bedroom into a backstage dressing room for herself, complete with a custom-made vanity mirror lighted by exposed light bulbs and the white-leather swivel chair on which Lucille Ball sat in the 1950s while getting her makeup done before shooting "I Love Lucy."

The dressing room includes shoe and bag shelves that Ms. Savage built as well as clothes racks, and spans about 20-by-20-feet. Ms. Savage organizes her dresses—including more than 50 black cocktail numbers, some couture but also some family hand-me-downs and vintage—by color weave and sleeve length. It's the same way "Gossip Girl"'s costume designer Eric Daman—who also worked on "Sex and the City"—arranges wardrobes on the show.

In the living room, two wool-covered dog beds take center stage, flanking the central wooden bench along with earth-toned couches. In the corners, Ms. Savage also installed two wool-covered benches with curved Art Deco legs—human counterparts to the dog beds. "I'm a big proponent of just accepting how you actually live in your house," said Ms. Savage. "If you have dogs living in your house, you may as well accept it—and make the most of it."

After seeing Sofia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette," Ms. Savage felt inspired to make something of a pilgrimage to Versailles to see the Petit Hameau—a lush retreat originally built for Marie Antoinette within the palace's grounds. Ms. Savage used pictures of the Hameau to redesign her backyard, adding a grill and seating area as well as delicate white flowers to complement the pool.

Raised in Calgary, Canada, Ms. Savage is very close with her mother and her younger sister Erika, who lives about five minutes away. Erika first stumbled on Ms. Savage's current home when house-shopping for herself and her husband.

"I'm the little sister who was always copying Stephanie's style—her sense of music, fashion, whatever—so I knew I had found the right place when I saw it," Erika said.

Ms. Savage, who is single, doesn't consider herself a wild Hollywood type and spends what little leisure time she does have with friends and family. In addition to "Gossip Girl" she's working on "The Carrie Diaries," a new show about "Sex and the City" protagonist Carrie Bradshaw's high-school years. She also produces "Hart of Dixie," a drama about a young doctor, and is producing a film, "Fun Size," which her "Gossip Girl" co-creator Josh Schwartz directed and which hits theaters in October.

But she does socialize frequently at the house and is part of a TV-watching club with friends, including her sister and some colleagues from the writer's room on "The O.C.," the teen series that Ms. Savage wrote on until it went off the air in 2007. She also throws parties, including a premiere party for about 200 people the night her two shows, "Gossip Girl" and "Hart of Dixie," made their debuts. A crepe-making truck was parked outside for guests, which included the crew and cast for both shows and actors like Rachel Bilson, Scott Porter, and Jaime King. Sometimes, Ms. Savage will hold "Gossip Girl" brainstorming sessions at her home.

For Ms. Savage, designing her house wasn't so different from dreaming up ideas for a TV show. "It's all about translating what a fantasy can look like in real life."

BronzeДата: Суббота, 18.02.2012, 11:04 | Сообщение # 323
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Celebs Spill the Highs and Lows of New York Fashion Week

Gossip Girl here…just kidding! But Gossip Girl‘s Ed Westwick, Leighton Meester, and Penn Badgley were all over New York Fashion Week showing off their threads and sharing the mania, competition, and definite fashion don’ts with VH1. “There’s lots of music pumping in rooms you can’t get in to and then you find the free bar and you drink free drinks,” Penn revealed. While Penn chased the booze and bass, Ed compared backstage to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory as the rooms seem to get smaller while more and more fashionistas and fashionisters pack themselves in.

Celebs admitted the lengths they go to to pump up the volume in competition with other fashion-forward celebs. Maria Menudos shared the number of make-up and hair changes she endured to maintain her coiffed look. Let me tell you, it’s more than one change. A LOT more! As if the buzzing energy of parties, drinks, music, and new looks don’t keep Lincoln Center jumping, celebs bug out about their personal fashion don’ts that just may be in this season. Leighton claimed, “I don’t think anyone wants to see me in stretch leggings.” As if! Check out the video below to find out what what other en vogue celebs had to say about New York Fashion Week.

Happy:)Дата: Пятница, 24.02.2012, 01:16 | Сообщение # 324
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5.16 Review: Cross Rhodes: Basically the Worst Fanfic Ever
You know, we’ve never actually read a Dair fanfic, but after watching this episode of Gossip Girl, we don’t think we’ll ever need to. The plot lines, the dialogue, everything, were so flimsy and predictable, it felt like we were observing a fanfic nightmare. No offense to fanfic writers, we know lots of fans who write the show far better than the GG Writers themselves. But this? This episode was not a good example.

Сообщение отредактировал Happy:) - Пятница, 24.02.2012, 01:25
-C-Дата: Пятница, 24.02.2012, 15:22 | Сообщение # 325
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Хм, а с каких это пор ревью с ЧБ фансайтов можно постить в общих разделах?
Разве вам своей ветки не достаточно?

Сообщение отредактировал -C- - Пятница, 24.02.2012, 15:22
MsSophiaДата: Пятница, 24.02.2012, 15:33 | Сообщение # 326
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-C-, пусть все знают!
лично я не вижу в этом ничего ужасного, какая разница где это разместить? wink
-C-Дата: Пятница, 24.02.2012, 16:01 | Сообщение # 327
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Quote (MsSophia)
-C-, пусть все знают! лично я не вижу в этом ничего ужасного, какая разница где это разместить?

Знают что? Пускай знают но в соответствующей ветке..

Ну скажем так, тут размещают более официальные источники wink

Сообщение отредактировал -C- - Пятница, 24.02.2012, 16:09
Happy:)Дата: Пятница, 24.02.2012, 19:58 | Сообщение # 328
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Quote (-C-)
Хм, а с каких это пор ревью с ЧБ фансайтов можно постить в общих разделах?

С тех пор, как я их здесь разместила.
Вопросы еще есть?

Happy:)Дата: Пятница, 24.02.2012, 20:29 | Сообщение # 329
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On set with Gossip Girl

I am sworn not to reveal the plot of this episode. I hear the story will be a shocker to those who know the show. The scene I was in revolved around the dining room table. I can say that if what was revealed around that dining room table were revealed around any dining room table (or anywhere else in the house or outside), it would be a shocker, at least for those sitting around the dining room table.

After hair and makeup, women in the Costume department came to look at my clothes to make sure they “worked” for the show. Not a hard one since they were my clothes and I’m playing myself.

Then it was off to the set. Big set. Rooms and rooms. Rooms with walls that can expand, disappear, getting smaller. Yesterday everything took place in the apartment of Lily van der Woodsen (Kelly Rutherford), the mother of the Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively). At table was her ex-husband Dr. William van der Woodsen (Billy Baldwin), daughter Serena; Carol (Sheila Kelley), Carol’s daughter played by Ella Rae Peck and this reporter. It’s a dinner party hosted by Mrs. van der Woodsen.

BronzeДата: Пятница, 24.02.2012, 22:00 | Сообщение # 330
High Society
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Boys of summer

MANILA, Philippines - I’ve never really been big on heading out to the beach every summer. Even before there was widespread awareness about skin cancer in the ‘90s, baking under the sun slick with tanning oil never really appealed to me. I guess I’ve always thought that there was something inherently unhealthy about it. I’ve never dieted or exercised in anticipation of bikini season and on top of that, I don’t know how to swim. I wade a bit with my friends, but I get out of the water way before they do. Saltwater makes my face all red and itchy.

However, there was one summer when I tried being that girl the summer of ’08. That was the one time I willingly worshipped the sun (covered in Coppertone SPF 35, reapplied every two hours), splashed around all day in the water, and slept with saltwater on my skin and hair. In the morning, my skin glistened with salt crystals and I had perfect beach hair. I was with three girlfriends, a French girl, and two Frenchmen: Laurént, half-Japanese, and Barnabé, half-Italian. Laurént (as in Yves Saint Laurént, he told us) was hyper intelligent and had this shy, dorky appeal. Barnabé was your typical dream boat though short (so Italian), he was an eyewear model in France. Unsurprisingly, even he was in love with his own beauty. Anywhere we went, girls sent glares our way, wondering how we ended up in the company of two gorgeous men. Trust me, even when there’s no romantic involvement, walking around flanked by two really good looking guys does wonders for your self-confidence.

From seeing stars shoot across the sky 13 times under the wide, cloudless sky in Ilocos to perfecting my tan in Pagudpod (Alam mo namang mahirap ma-achieve ang golden tan!), then cooling off in the waterfalls of Sagada, that was the perfect summer. I’ve never had another one like it since, which I think, is a good thing. Once you’ve approximated perfection, reenaction doesn’t seem necessary memories are enough.

However, staring at these Supreme exclusive photos of Penshoppe endorsers Mario Maurer and Ed Westwick totally brought me back to that summer, mainly because they remind me so much of our handsome company four years ago. Sweet, boyish, and part-Asian, Mario is the perfect representation of Laurént, while the smoldering Ed (with his come-hither British accent, instead of a French one) brings me back to Barnabé.

Starring in Penshoppe’s highly-anticipated summer campaign, Ed is the face of Free Sprited, the brand’s new fragrance for men with notes of citrus, balsamic, cardamom, and musk with a touch of cool marine. As you can see, Ed casually left the first few buttons of his shirt undone a rare occurrence, if you consider that he’s usually up to his neck in suits for Gossip Girl. As for Mario, it’s his boy-next-door smile that’s the star of this campaign. Clad in brightly-colored sports shirts and khakis, he’s the guy who’s easy on the eyes, while still being completely easy to talk to.

If you haven't experienced that one perfect summer I’m talking about, lucky you because Ed and Mario are coming back to Manila. Rumors abound that Ed will be coming back this coming May for Penshoppe’s Fashion Week, while Mario is set to shoot his first-ever movie in the Philippines for Suddenly It’s Magic with his lucky co-star, Erich Gonzalez. Until then, these photos from their campaign from Penshoppe should keep your excitement at bay.
